A. Referral; Investigation: The original application for a multiple-family rental dwelling shall be referred to the building official and fire marshal and to the Weber-Morgan health department. Each of which shall, within ten (10) days after receiving such application, make an investigation and inspection of the proposed licensed premises and shall report in writing to the business license coordinator whether the premises to be licensed meet applicable codes and ordinances and the same are reasonably safe for occupancy as residential dwellings.
B. Subsequent Inspections: If the city performs an inspection of a multiple-family rental dwelling under the provisions of this section and approves it for licensing, the city shall not inspect that multiple-family rental dwelling during the next thirty six (36) months, under authority of the provisions of this chapter, unless the city has reasonable cause to believe that a condition in the multiple-family rental dwelling is in violation of an applicable law or ordinance. The above restriction shall not apply to self-verifications of compliance as permitted under section 5-10-3 of this chapter.
(Ord. 2004-71, 10-12-2004, eff. 12-31-2004)
If a code violation is determined to exist in a building licensed for two (2) or fewer rental dwelling units, the violation shall not be cause for denial, suspension or revocation of the business license required herein. Enforcement actions respecting such violations shall be taken independently of any licensing action. Issuance of a license shall not indicate compliance with other city ordinances.
(Ord. 2004-71, 10-12-2004, eff. 12-31-2004)
Any licensee who acquires additional rental dwellings after licensure but before renewal shall amend the license to add the rental dwellings to the license within thirty (30) days of acquisition and pay such fees as are required in section 5-1B-2 of this title, which fees may be prorated as provided in subsection 5-1A-13B of this title.
(Ord. 2004-71, 10-12-2004, eff. 12-31-2004)