10-7-1: Permitting Others To Drive Owner's Vehicle
10-7-2: Backing Limitations
10-7-3: Emerging From Alley Or Private Way
10-7-4: Keeping Proper Lookout
10-7-5: Standing Requirements
10-7-6: Parking Lights
10-7-7: Skateboarding And Similar Devices
10-7-8: Motor Vehicle Registration Requirements
10-7-9: Funeral Processions
10-7-10: Prohibited Acts
10-7-11: Skateboard Park And BMX Track Regulations
10-7-12: Use Of Roadways By Pedestrians; Prohibited Activities
A. Information Required: No registered owner and no person in possession of any vehicle shall permit another person to drive the same without first ascertaining the name and address of such other person and that he is legally licensed to operate such vehicle.
B. Records Maintained: Every person renting, leasing or hiring a motor vehicle to another person shall keep a record of the vehicle license number of the motor vehicle so rented, the name and address of the person, the number of his operator's license, and the date and place when and where such vehicle operator's license was issued. Such record shall be open to inspection by any peace officer.
C. Records Furnished Upon Request: The information and records required by this section shall be furnished to any peace officer for police purposes on demand.
D. Penalty: Any person violating any provision of this section shall be guilty of a class B misdemeanor, subject to penalty as provided in title 1, chapter 4 of this code.
(Ord. 2014-33, 7-29-2014)
A. Interference With Traffic: The driver of a motor vehicle shall not back the same unless such movement can be made with safety and without interfering with other traffic.
B. Across Centerline: No driver shall back across the centerline of a roadway when there is sufficient width to complete movement in that section of roadway first entered into.
(Ord. 2014-33, 7-29-2014)
The driver of a vehicle emerging from an alley, private road, driveway or building within the city shall stop such vehicle immediately prior to driving onto a sidewalk or onto the sidewalk area extending across such alley, building entrance, road or driveway, or in the event there is no sidewalk area, shall stop at the point nearest the street to be entered where the driver has a view of approaching traffic thereon.
(Ord. 2014-33, 7-29-2014)
No person shall drive a motor vehicle on the public streets, sidewalks or public places within the corporate limits of the city in such a manner as to endanger life or property by failing to keep a safe and proper lookout for other traffic, objects or persons.
(Ord. 2014-33, 7-29-2014)
A. Streets: No person having control or charge of a motor vehicle shall allow such vehicle to stand on any street unattended without first setting the brakes thereon and stopping the motor of said vehicle and, when standing upon a perceptible grade, without turning the wheels of such vehicles to the curb or the side of the street or highway.
B. Removal Of Ignition Key:
1. Required: No person driving or in charge of a motor vehicle shall permit it to stand unattended in any public place, new or used car sales lots or parking lot, during all times when such new or used car or parking lot does not have an attendant, without first stopping the engine, locking the ignition, removing the ignition key from the vehicle, effectively setting the brake thereon and, when standing upon any grade, turning the front wheels to the curb or side of the highway. "Public place" includes any public street and property owned by any municipality or other public agency.
2. Removal; Authority Of Police: Whenever any police officer finds a motor vehicle standing unattended with the ignition key in the vehicle, in violation of this subsection, such police officer is authorized to remove the key from the vehicle and to forthwith deliver the key to the police officer in charge of the desk at the police department at the municipal building, where it may be reclaimed by the owner properly identifying himself.
3. Owner Responsible: The registered owner of a vehicle found in violation of this section shall be held prima facie responsible for any such violation.
(Ord. 2014-33, 7-29-2014)