10-9-1: Purpose
10-9-2: Definitions
10-9-3: Area Designation; Authority
10-9-4: Area Designation Criteria
10-9-5: Area Designation Process
10-9-6: Area Designation; Mayoral Actions
10-9-7: Signs And Markings In Designated Areas
10-9-8: Parking Permit Application Term
10-9-9: Parking Permit Fees
10-9-10: Parking Permit Issuance Conditions
10-9-11: Parking Permit Display Required
10-9-12: Parking Permit Activities Permitted
10-9-13: Temporary Visitor Permits
10-9-14: Enlargement Of Area
10-9-15: Removal Of Area Designation Or Deletion Of Streets
10-9-16: Modification Of Regulations
10-9-17: Parking Permit Revocation Conditions
10-9-18: Unlawful Activities Penalty
A. There exist certain entities within the city, such as hospital and university complexes and other large buildings, which attract commuters seeking parking in nearby areas which are predominantly residential and business in nature. The increased demand often exacerbates the severe shortage of street parking for residents and businesses in such areas.
B. This chapter authorizes a program and the implementation of a procedural system by which residents and businesses within qualifying areas may receive preferential treatment when competing with commuter vehicles for available on street parking in predominantly residential neighborhoods of the city. The enactment of a preferential parking permit program, administered by the mayor and implemented and operated by the parking permit coordinator, can address the adverse effect of motor vehicle congestion caused by the long term parking of commuter vehicles within these areas by:
1. Increasing access to residents and businesses;
2. Increasing traffic/pedestrian safety by reducing traffic congestion;
3. Reducing the adverse environmental impacts on an area created by excessive air and noise pollution and the accumulation of trash and refuse on public streets;
4. Encouraging the use of mass transit, carpooling and other alternative modes of transportation by reducing commuter vehicle traffic that originates from outside the permit area and has no apparent relation to area residents and businesses;
5. Promoting the tranquility, safety, health and welfare of area inhabitants, which are desirable attributes that are associated with a positive urban environment.
(Ord. 2004-79, 11-2-2004)
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
ADDRESS: The street number and applicable apartment/condominium number for each dwelling unit, business, or other use. Each apartment or commercial unit is regarded as a unique address.
AREA: Irrespective of zoning, a geographical region, not necessarily contiguous, where residents dwell and businesses may operate.
AREA BUSINESS: Any professional establishment or nonresident property owner whose business property is located within a city parking permit area.
AREA PERMIT OR PERMIT DECAL: The permanent adhesive decal issued by the parking permit coordinator for assignment to a vehicle under the legal control of area residents and businesses.
AREA PERMITTEE: An area resident or an area business that has received from the parking permit coordinator an authorized area permit.
AREA RESIDENT: Any person who dwells or resides within a parking permit area.
AREA VEHICLE: A vehicle that originates from inside a permit area and is under the control of area residents or area business owners and includes automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, or other motor driven forms of transportation. It does not include boats and trailers.
CITY PERMIT AREA OR PARKING PERMIT AREA: Any officially designated permit parking area within the corporate limits of the city wherein motor vehicles displaying a valid permit as described herein shall be exempt from the parking regulations or restrictions solely applicable to commuter vehicles.
CITY PERMIT PROGRAM: The city's permit parking program, as a whole, administered by the mayor and operated by the parking permit coordinator pursuant to the provisions and regulations of this chapter.
COMMUTER VEHICLE: A motor vehicle parked in a city permit parking area that: a) is not under the control of an area resident, business owner or property owner, and b) does not bear a permit for the designated area.
DECLARATION: The final action taken by the mayor setting the conditions for either approval or denial of the proposed city permit area.
DWELLING: A building, or portion thereof, which is designated for residential purposes. Such dwelling must bear an address assigned by the city engineer. The number of independent dwelling units recognized therein shall not exceed the number authorized under permit for zoning.
GUEST PERMIT: The portable card stock placard issued by the parking permit coordinator to area residents and area businesses for use on vehicles under the legal control of guests, customers, clients or service persons, exclusive of operators of construction vehicles or equipment, during periods when persons operating said vehicles are actually visiting or engaged in business at the permittee's address not to exceed two (2) days per visit.
LEASE: A person pays rent or other remuneration for use of a parcel of real property as such person's residence or place of business.
OWNS: A person has at least one-quarter (1/4) of the fee or equitable interest in a parcel of real property within a city permit parking area.
PARKING PERMIT COORDINATOR: The officer or employee of the city designated as the city's traffic engineer, and who operates and manages the permit parking program, including the implementation and operation of permit parking areas, on a routine, daily basis.
PERMIT DECALS: See definition of Area Permit Or Permit Decal.
PERMIT VEHICLE: Any vehicle properly displaying area regular, guest, or temporary visitor permit, issued by the parking permit coordinator for authorized use on such vehicles.
PERMIT YEAR: The twelve (12) month period set for the administration of a city permit area, including the expiration and renewal of permit area regular and guest permits.
PROGRAM: The process of designation, administration and enforcement of all city parking permit areas and regulations established by the mayor pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
RESIDENT: A person who resides in the city parking permit area on a regular basis.
TEMPORARY VISITOR PERMIT: The temporary disposable paper permit issued for a predetermined length of time, not to exceed forty five (45) days, to area residents and area businesses for use on vehicles under the legal control of service persons, operators of construction vehicles or equipment, and long term visitors at the area permittee's address.
(Ord. 2004-79, 11-2-2004)