Proposed landscape materials should complement existing vegetation, all architectural features and general layout, and should be comprised of indigenous plant material. Landscaping design and materials shall consist of the following:
   (a)   Plants. All plant materials shall be living plants that conform to the standards of the American Association of Nurserymen and shall have passed any inspections required under State regulations. Artificial plants are prohibited in all landscaped areas in the Municipality required as per this chapter.
   (b)   Deciduous Trees. Deciduous trees used to meet these requirements shall have a minimum diameter of two (2) inches measured six inches above the ground. They shall be a species having an average mature crown spread of greater than fifteen (15) feet in Central Ohio and having trunk(s) which can be maintained with over five (5) feet of clear wood in areas which have visibility requirements, except at vehicular use area intersections where eight (8) foot clear wood requirements will control. Trees having an average mature spread of crown less than fifteen (15) feet may be substituted by grouping of the same so as to create the equivalent of a fifteen (15) foot crown spread. The Village shall maintain a list of trees prohibited in the Village.
   (c)   Evergreen Trees. Evergreen trees shall be a minimum of five (5) feet in height with a minimum spread of three feet at planting.
    (d)   Shrubs and Hedges. Shrubs and hedges shall be at least two (2) feet in average height when planted, and where required for screening, shall form a continuous, year-round solid visual screen within five years after planting.
   (e)   Ornamental Trees. Ornamental trees shall have a minimum diameter of at least one and a half (1 ½) inches measured six inches above ground level.
     (f)    Earth Mounds. Mounds cannot exceed four (4) feet in height. Mounds shall not exceed a slope ratio of 2:1. Mounds shall be provided with one (1) shrub per five (5) lineal feet. Seventy-five percent (75%) of the species planted must be evergreens not exceeding three (3) feet in height. Shrubs may be grouped together to provide interest provided the total number of required shrubs is used.
   (g)   Walls and Fencing. Walls and fencing used as screening cannot exceed four (4) feet in height. Walls shall be of a compatible material to the primary structure. Fencing shall be vinyl or wood. Landscaping shall be provided in clusters along the wall or fencing. Walls and fencing shall be provided with one (1) shrub per ten (10) lineal feet. Seventy-five percent (75%) of the species planted must be evergreens not exceeding three (3) feet in height. Shrubs may be grouped together to provide interest provided the total number of required shrubs is used.
(h)   Maintenance. Property owner is responsible for maintaining the Landscape Plan as originally approved and for the replacement of plant materials that have died, been damaged, are diseased, or have been removed. Property owner shall maintain landscaped areas in a neat and orderly fashion, free from refuse and debris. The Zoning Administrator may approve the substitution of replacement plant material. Failure to meet the requirements of this section shall constitute violation of this Zoning Code and enforcement and penalty requirements of Chapter 1183 shall apply. (Ord. 42-16. Passed 6-13-16.)