(a)   Planting Requirements for All New Developments or Redevelopment. Whenever a new building is constructed, the property is redeveloped, or the footprint of the building enlarged the following requirements shall be met. These requirements are in addition to the requirements for parking lots.
      (1)   Residential Districts, Planned Residential District, and Residential Areas in a Planned Unit Development District. There shall be a minimum of three (3) trees planted per single family residence, doubles, twins or duplexes. Multi-family structures are to include two trees per dwelling unit. Trees may be either small or medium species. Medium or small species trees shall be 2" minimum caliper and clear trunk. No clump or multi-stem form trees are permitted. Trees are to be arranged within the front, side or rear yard areas with emphasis on the front facades. In addition a minimum of one-third (1/3) of the facade (or facades in the case of corner lots) fronting the street or vehicular use area is to be landscaped adjacent to the foundation with a minimum of five (5) shrubs, ground cover or other ornamental plantings. The average initial height of these plantings is to be 24" minimum.
      (2)   Residential Subdivisions, Apartment Complexes, and Condominium Complexes. All residential subdivisions containing at least fifty lots or five acres (whichever is less), apartment complexes over sixteen (16) units and condominium complexes over sixteen (16) units, shall construct entry features at all points of ingress and egress. A prominent entry feature of at least 500 square feet shall be constructed at the primary point of ingress and egress to such subdivisions and complexes. If there is more than one primary point of ingress and egress, a smaller entry feature of at least 250 square feet may be constructed at those entrances. Entry features shall consist of landscaping or a combination of landscaping and hardscape materials. Lighting and irrigation shall be included. All entry feature signage shall include wording that states "An Obetz Community".
      (3)   Multi-Family Perimeter Treatment. For all multi-family residential uses a fifteen (15) foot landscaped perimeter shall be provided where such development is adjacent to or abuts a residential zoning district or public right-of-way, excluding on-site access drives. Such landscaping shall include a combination of trees (both deciduous and evergreen), shrubs, hedges, earth mounds, and other natural features. No more than fifty (50) percent of natural landscaping material shall consist of turf.
      (4)    Neighborhood Commercial District, General Commercial District, Planned Commercial District, Suburban Office and Institution District, Commercial and Office Areas of a Planned Unit Development District.
         A.   Landscaping. In addition to the requirements for off-street parking areas, there shall be thirty (30) square feet of landscaped area and a tree with a dbh of at least two (2) inches for every thousand (1,000) square feet of building ground coverage area, or fraction thereof. All areas of a lot not covered by buildings, structures, paving, or the landscaping shall be covered by a natural turf. Tree planting requirements may be waived by the Zoning Administrator if the quantity of existing trees and their aggregate trunk sizes meet or exceed these requirements and are evenly distributed throughout the subject site
         B.   Foundation Plantings. There shall be a foundation plantings used to soften the building edges and screen foundations. Foundation planting shall be placed within five (5) feet of the building perimeter when feasible. The Zoning Administrator may modify this requirement if, because of site design considerations such as the location of sidewalks or service areas, this is not feasible. The Zoning Administrator may also allow such plant materials to be grouped together and located in other areas of the site. Landscaping required to meet the requirements of 1167.03(4)(A) may be used in these landscaped areas.
         C.   Landscaped Areas Near Entrances. Landscaped areas shall be located adjacent to all public entrances. Landscaped areas shall include a combination of deciduous trees, shrubs, ornamental plantings, perennials, and groundcover. The Zoning Administrator can waive the requirement for trees based on overall site design. Landscaping required to meet the requirements of 1167.03(4)(A) may be used in these landscaped areas.
      (5)   Limited Industrial District, Restricted Industrial District, and Planned Industrial District.  
         A.   Landscaping. In addition to the requirements for off-street parking areas, there shall be fifteen (15) square feet of landscaped area for every thousand (1,000) square feet of building area and a tree with a dbh of at least two (2) inches for every five thousand (5,000) square feet of building ground coverage area, or fraction thereof. All areas of a lot not covered by buildings, structures, paving, or the landscaping shall be covered by a natural turf. Tree planting requirements may be waived by the Zoning Administrator if the quantity of existing trees and their aggregate trunk sizes meet or exceed these requirements and are evenly distributed throughout the subject site
         B.   Landscaped Areas Near Entrances. Landscaped areas shall be located adjacent to all public entrances or corners of the building visible from the right of way. Landscaped areas shall include a combination of deciduous trees, shrubs, ornamental plantings, perennials, and groundcover. No more than 50% of the landscaped area shall be turf. The Zoning Administrator can waive the requirement for trees based on overall site design. Landscaping required to meet the requirements of 1167.04(5)(A) may be used in these landscaped areas.
   (b)     Outdoor Storage Areas. Outdoor storage areas may be screened with a combination of landscaping, earthen mounds, and fencing or walls. Screening is required on all sides of an outdoor storage area visible from a right of way or adjacent property except where an opening is required for access. Access areas should not face a public street. A solid gate shall be used to secure the access point if it is visible from a public right of way. The height of the screening shall be such that none of the items being stored are visible but in no case shall be less than six (6) feet in height. Screening shall have an opaqueness of 100% so as to effectively conceal storage. Landscaping used in combination with earthen mounds, fences, or walls shall include a combination of evergreens, deciduous trees, and shrubs. The Zoning Administrator may waive the screening requirement in industrially zoned areas provided the area is not visible from a right of way.
   (c)    Parking Lot Screening and Landscaping.   
      (1)   Screening Parking Lots from the Street. All parking lots must be screened from an adjacent street or right of way; provided, however, that no such screening shall be required for single family and two family residential uses as follows:
         A.   The screen must be a minimum of 42" in height within three (3) years of the date of planting along the full length of the parking lot adjacent to the street.
         B.   Screening shall be created using trees, shrubs, mounding, or fences or walls or combination thereof. Landscaping will be required on mounding or along walls and fencing to soften the appearance.
         C.   The screen shall have a minimum opaqueness of 75% at all times.
         D.   One (1) deciduous tree is required for every 100 feet linear feet of screening. These trees shall be counted toward the requirements of 1167.03(a).
         E.   The landscaped area shall be a minimum of five (5) feet in width.
         F.   Perimeter landscaping in parking lots shall not interfere with the sight visibility triangle.
         G.   For lots with twenty (20) or more spaces, the perimeter of the parking lot may incorporate up to 50% of the required interior lot trees.
         H.   For lots with less than twenty (20) spaces, the perimeter of the parking lot may incorporate up to 100% of the required interior parking lot trees.
          (2)   Interior Parking Area Landscaping. Any open parking area (including loading areas) containing more than 6,000 square feet or fifteen (15) or more parking spaces shall provide the following interior landscaping in addition to the required perimeter screening:
         A.   All off-street parking areas shall provide one (1) deciduous tree of no less than two (2) inches dbh, for every 3,000 square feet of parking area or for every ten (10) parking spaces.
         B.   Landscaping in parking areas shall be dispersed throughout in peninsulas or islands. Minimum island or peninsula size shall be 200 square feet, with a two (2) foot minimum distance between all trees or shrubs and the edge of pavement where vehicles overhang. Minimum island or peninsula width shall be ten (10) feet. The Zoning Administrator may vary the requirements for minimum and maximum size of parking islands and peninsulas based on the design of stormwater infrastructure or the shape of the lot.
         C.   Landscape islands or peninsulas that do not have trees shall be planted with a combination of shrubs, grass, or other groundcover. No more than 75% of an island or peninsula can be turf or groundcover. Islands or peninsulas cannot be mulch only. They must contain trees, shrubs, turf, groundcover, or a combination thereof.
         D.    Minimum landscaping areas within the interior of the parking area shall be provided at the rate of ten (10) square feet for every 1,500 square feet of parking area. No more than fifty (50) percent of natural landscaping material shall consist of turf.
         E.   The Zoning Administrator may waive the interior parking area landscaping requirements in the loading areas of industrial uses provided the site is under the maximum lot coverage requirements. To balance the site, the Zoning Administrator may require additional landscaping in other areas if not provided in the loading areas.
   (d)    Screening of Service Courts and Loading Dock Areas. 
      (1)   All areas used for service, loading and unloading activities shall be screened along the entire lot line(s) if adjacent to or abutting a residential zoning district or public right-of-way.
      (2)   Screening shall consist of walls, fences, natural vegetation or an acceptable combination of these elements, provided that screening must be at least seven (7) feet, and walls and fencing no more than twelve (12) feet in height. Chain link or wood fencing is not permitted. Fencing shall be vinyl and the color of fencing shall be approved by the Zoning Administrator.
      (3)   Natural vegetation screening shall have a minimum opaqueness of 75% at all times. The use of year round vegetation, such as pines or evergreens, is required. Vegetation shall be planted no closer than three (3) feet to any property line. Vegetation shall not be planted in the right-of-way.
   (e)    Screening of Trash Container Receptacles and Other Service Structures.
      (1)   Service structures, including, but not limited to, propane tanks, trash dumpsters, recycling dumpsters, clothing collection boxes, electrical transformers, air conditioners/cooling towners, heat pumps, utility vaults which extend above grade, and other equipment or elements providing service to a building or site, are to be screened for all uses except single family residential. Such structures shall be enclosed on all sides by a continuous 100% opaque landscape hedge, solid wall, fence, or earthen mound. If such structure is frequently moved, such as a trash dumpster, a gate or gates shall be permitted on one side. Said gate(s) shall be kept closed to provide full, four-sided screening. Screening shall be one (1) foot higher than the service structure but shall not be required to exceed eight (8) feet in height. If an earthen berm, walls, or fences are used, supplemental landscaping will be required. Plants shall be a minimum height of three (3) feet at the time of planting and shall be spaced no more than five (5) feet apart around the enclosed portion of the screen or on the earthen mound. Electric and gas service shut-off locations shall be landscaped on the sides only in order to permit quick identification and access by emergency personnel.
      (2)   Service structures shall not be located in the front yard building setback and shall in no case be in front of the primary structure. Service structures shall be located to the side or rear. Service structures shall conform to side and rear yard setback requirements and for non-residential uses adjacent to a residential zoning district, such service structures shall be located no closer than twenty-five (25) feet to any property line.
   (f)   Stormwater Retention and Detention Areas. Trees and shrubs shall be planted along the perimeter of stormwater retention and detention areas in such a manner, type, and quantity and location as required by the Zoning Administrator. Trees shall be planted a minimum of twenty (20) feet from the water's edge. (Ord. 42-16. Passed 6-13-16.)