A.   The members of all commissions and boards of the Municipality shall be appointed and may be removed by Council. The members of all boards and commissions shall be removed only by a vote of five (5) or more members of Council for cause as determined by such majority of Council. A member of a board or commission who is subject to removal may request and be heard at a public hearing prior to his or her removal. Any board or commission member who is absent from three (3) consecutive meetings shall be subject to removal. In such event and upon the vote of a majority of the remaining members of such board or commission the Chairman shall notify the Council President and Clerk of Council and shall request the removal and replacement of the member.
(Amended November 4, 2014)
   B.   All boards and commissions shall consist of five (5) members with terms of three (3) years, except the members first appointed to five (5) year terms. No member shall be appointed to more than three (3) consecutive terms. Any vacancy during the unexpired term of an appointed member shall be filled by Council for the remainder of the term. All members appointed to boards and commissions shall be residents and registered and qualified electors of the Municipality at the time of their appointment. Change of residence to outside the corporate limits of the Municipality shall automatically end the term of any board or commission member. Boards and commissions shall establish their own organization, procedure, rules and regulations subject to Council approval, and shall serve without compensation and incur no expenses, except as provided by Council. Agendas, minutes and annual reports are to be submitted to the Clerk of Council.
   C.   Zoning Board of Appeals. Council shall appoint a Zoning Board of Appeals. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall have such powers and duties as are or may be conferred upon it by the general laws of the State of Ohio, and such powers as may be conferred upon it by Council, including but not limited to appeals from refusal of building permits, and shall have the authority to permit exceptions to or variations from the Zoning Code.
   D.   Public Utilities Commission. Council shall appoint a Public Utilities Commission. The Public Utilities Commission shall serve as an advisory body to the Council on any and all questions concerning the financing, maintenance, operation and improvement of the public utilities serving the Municipality, both privately and municipally owned.
(Amended November 2, 2004)
   E.   h powers and duties as are or may be conferred upon it by the general laws of the State of Ohio, and such powers as may be conferred upon it by Council, including but not limited to the plan, design, location, removal, relocation, widening, extension, and vacation of streets, parkways, playgrounds and other public places; the approval of plats for subdivision of land; and the zoning of the Municipality for any lawful purpose. The Commission shall from time to time propose to Council the adoption of strategic plans for the Municipality which are consistent with powers conferred upon it, and shall periodically review such plans to ensure their continued relevance.
(Amended November 4, 2014)
   F.   Recreation Commission. Council shall appoint a Recreation Commission. The Recreation Commission shall act in an advisory capacity and through consultation with other City Boards or Commissions as deemed appropriate by the Commission or by Council, make recommendations to Council concerning the development of playgrounds, parks, recreational facilities and programs for the City, including fees and charges for the use thereof. The Recreation Commission shall also have those powers and shall perform those duties as Council may delegate to it by ordinance or resolution.
(Amended November 4, 2014)
   G. Civil Service Commission. Council shall appoint a Civil Service Commission. The Commission shall keep minutes of its proceedings and records of its examinations, make investigations concerning the enforcement of the Civil Service provisions of this Charter and report annually to Council
   The Commission shall conduct practical and impartial examinations, provide a list of eligible employees and arrange for promotions within the Classified Service, which shall comprise all positions not specifically included by this Charter in the Unclassified Service.
   The Unclassified Service shall include:
      (1)    Officers elected by the people
      (2)    The City Manager
      (3)    Appointive positions, commissions and boards
      (4)    Heads of departments, including the Police Chief and Fire Chief
      (5)    Administrative assistants to appointive and elective officials, department heads and boards or commissions.
      (6)    Temporary or part-time employees, except volunteer part- time firefighters and part-time police officers, provided that Council may, by Ordinance, designate part-time firefighters and part-time police officers as being part of the Unclassified Service.
   The Classified Service shall comprise all positions not specifically included by this Charter in the Unclassified Service, and shall be divided into competitive and noncompetitive classes.
      (1)    The competitive class shall include all positions and employments for which it is practicable to determine merit and fitness of applicants by competitive tests.
      (2)    The noncompetitive class shall consist of all positions requiring peculiar and exceptional qualifications of a scientific, managerial, professional or educational character and as may be determined by the rules of the Commission, and unskilled labor.
         (Amended November 4, 2014)