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Mobile Food Vehicles
797.01   Purpose.
797.02   Definitions.
797.03   Scope of chapter.
797.04   Mobile food vendor permit required.
797.05   Application for a mobile food vendor permit.
797.06   Rules and regulations.
797.07   Permit fees.
797.08   Prohibition against the transfer of a permit.
797.09   Unlawful operation of a mobile food establishment.
797.10   Enforcement.
797.11   Severability.
797.99   Penalty.
797.01 PURPOSE.
   (a)    The City of Oberlin recognizes and supports the vitality and activity that is created by outdoor business activities within the "downtown business district" and in other locations. The operation of such business or other uses within the public street rights-of-way, however, requires careful consideration and review to ensure that such uses function in a manner as to create the aforementioned benefits without any undue negative effects.
   (b)    The purpose of establishing these regulations is to create a pleasant and vibrant downtown environment for visitors and residents; to provide an opportunity for the operation of mobile food establishments in residential and commercial areas; to prevent the obstruction of pedestrian, bicycle and motor vehicle traffic; to ensure that adequate efforts are made to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public by requiring permits for the operation of mobile food establishments and to establish minimum requirements pertaining to the safe and sanitary operation of mobile food establishments.
(Ord. 21-27AC CMS. Passed 6-21-21.)
   When used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
   (a)    The City Manager shall mean the City Manager of the City of Oberlin or a person with the authority to execute the duties of the City Manager. The City Manager, may in his or her discretion, delegate to another City employee the administrative duties set forth in this Chapter.
   (b)    Mobile Food Establishment shall mean a business operation that provides food for human consumption from a vehicle or a trailer or cart propelled by a vehicle or by human power. Mobile Food Establishments include but are not limited to: mobile food kitchens, canteen trucks, pushcart vendors, bicycle cart vendors, mobile food trucks, ice cream trucks that park and operate in a fixed temporary location, and coffee trucks. A Mobile Food Establishment does not include "Meals on Wheels," ice cream trucks that do not park and operate at a fixed temporary location or the home delivery of food.
   (c)    Mobile Food Vendor shall mean a person or business entity who operates a Mobile Food Establishment that is incorporated in or propelled by a vehicle.
   (d)    Mobile Food Vendor Designated Area shall mean an area on public property or in the public right-of-way designated by the City Manager in which mobile food vendors can park Mobile Food Establishment Vehicles provided such an area is reserved at least 24 hours in advance with the City Manager’s Office. The City Manager may establish operational policies for Mobile Food Vendor Designated Areas to ensure public safety and health.
   (e)    Private event shall mean a social gathering on private property.
   (f)    Special Event: For the purpose of this Chapter, "Special Event" shall mean any outdoor activity or series of outdoor activities open to the public occurring at a predetermined time and place; conducted on public property or on non-residential private property for which a Special Event Permit is required. A Special Event includes but is not limited to:
      (1)    Any activity involving entertainment and/or amplified sound, food, beverage, merchandise sales or any activity promoted as a festival, sports event, trade show, craft show, public dance, concert or performance;
      (2)    Any activity that may substantially increase or disrupt the normal flow of traffic on any street or highway;
      (3)    Any activity which involves the use of public facilities; or
      (4)    Any activity which involves the use of City services that would not be necessary in the absence of such an event.
         (Ord. 21-27AC CMS. Passed 6-21-21.)
   The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to the operation of Mobile Food Establishments in the City of Oberlin.
(Ord. 21-27AC CMS. Passed 6-21-21.)