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Mobile Food Vehicles
797.01   Purpose.
797.02   Definitions.
797.03   Scope of chapter.
797.04   Mobile food vendor permit required.
797.05   Application for a mobile food vendor permit.
797.06   Rules and regulations.
797.07   Permit fees.
797.08   Prohibition against the transfer of a permit.
797.09   Unlawful operation of a mobile food establishment.
797.10   Enforcement.
797.11   Severability.
797.99   Penalty.
797.01 PURPOSE.
   (a)    The City of Oberlin recognizes and supports the vitality and activity that is created by outdoor business activities within the "downtown business district" and in other locations. The operation of such business or other uses within the public street rights-of-way, however, requires careful consideration and review to ensure that such uses function in a manner as to create the aforementioned benefits without any undue negative effects.
   (b)    The purpose of establishing these regulations is to create a pleasant and vibrant downtown environment for visitors and residents; to provide an opportunity for the operation of mobile food establishments in residential and commercial areas; to prevent the obstruction of pedestrian, bicycle and motor vehicle traffic; to ensure that adequate efforts are made to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public by requiring permits for the operation of mobile food establishments and to establish minimum requirements pertaining to the safe and sanitary operation of mobile food establishments.
(Ord. 21-27AC CMS. Passed 6-21-21.)