(a) Public Water Main.
(1) All pipes belonging to the Municipal Water Division for the distribution of water and laid in streets, alleys, parks or elsewhere, are public mains. There are to be no extensions of public mains, under any circumstances, less than eight inches in diameter. Public mains are to be of cement mortar-lined ductile iron pipe. Every extension of public water mains must have a hydrant in accordance with Section 1501.20 of the Oberlin Fire Prevention Code. The City is responsible for public water mains and all service taps up to and including the curb shutoff.
(2) No public main shall be tapped, or connection made therewith, unless the City Manager or his duly authorized agent is present to supervise the work.
(3) All ferrules, corporation cocks and service lines for connections with public mains shall have an inner diameter of not less than one inch. Only Type K copper service pipe shall be used. No variation from this rule will be allowed, except by special permission of the City Manager.
(b) Private Water Main.
(1) For the purposes of this chapter, a private water main shall be defined as any water main which is not owned, operated and maintained by the Municipal Water Division. Private water mains may include, but are not limited to, those mains which provide domestic service, fire protection service or both domestic and fire protection services to one or more structures on one or more parcels for the exclusive benefit of those parcels. A private water main shall begin immediately downstream of the valve which connects it to the public water main.
(2) No extension of a private water main shall be made without the prior written authorization of the City Manager or his duly authorized agent. All private mains or extensions thereof shall be constructed in accordance with the Public Works Standards.
(3) The Owner(s) of all private water mains providing fire protection service are required to comply with the current edition of the National Fire Prevention Association Standard 25 for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems and the Oberlin Fire Prevention Code.
(Ord. 08-39AC. Passed 8-25-08.)
(Ord. 08-39AC. Passed 8-25-08.)
(a) Water service lateral shall be defined as the extension of the water service supply line from the valve immediately downstream of the public water main to the premises served at the customer shut-off valve supplied in accordance with subsection 911.05 (f).
(b) No tap(s) shall be permitted on the service lateral upstream of the City's water meter.
(c) The owner of each property with a water service connection shall be responsible for the costs of owning, operating and maintaining the water service lateral.
(d) Each property owner with a water service connection shall keep the water service lateral, valves, fittings and connections in good repair and protected from freezing. All property owners must cause all leaks in service laterals, connections and any appurtenances to be repaired as soon as discovered.
(e) No single water service lateral connected to a public or private water main shall be extended into two distinct premises.
(f) A water shut off valve shall be located on the water service lateral at its point of entrance into the premises, dwelling or structure. The water shut off valve must be so located as to be easily accessible. The water shut off valve shall be equal in size and compatible with the water service lateral and shall comply with the current edition of the Ohio Plumbing Code.
(g) Curb valves shall be located in the public right-of-way at or near the edge of the public right-of-way. The City reserves the right to adjust the location of the curb valve as may be required.
(h) All water service laterals shall be constructed in accordance with the most recent edition of the City of Oberlin Public Works Standards. Unless such work is performed under a contract with the City, an Excavation Permit in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 903 of these Codified Ordinances must be issued prior to the commencement of construction.
(Ord. 19-14AC CMS. Passed 3-18-19.)
(a) Before any main can be tapped and service connected therewith, the applicant shall first pay a tap fee, according to the size of service, at the City Hall. After payment of the tap fee, service will be installed within a thirty-day period.
(1957 Code §911.06)
(b) The water connection service fees by the Water Division for the services shown here in shall be in such amount as provided by ordinance.
(Ord. 1933AC. Passed 6-17-74.)
(a) Service pipe 2" in diameter and less shall be laid to the curb stop and a stopcock and valve box attached by the properly authorized agent of the City, under the supervision of the Public Works Director and at the expense of the City, whenever permits have been issued and paid for.
(b) Service pipe larger than 2" in diameter shall be laid to the curb stop and a stopcock and valve box attached, under the supervision of the Public Works Director and at the expense of the owner, whenever permits have been issued and paid for.
(Ord. 06-38AC. Passed 5-15-06.)
(Ord. 06-38AC. Passed 5-15-06.)