(A)   (1)   All taps are subject to the applicable tap and meter installation charges specified in § 53.089, which shall be paid in advance before service is established.
      (2)   The water tap charge is separate and is in addition to any charge or contribution paid by the property owner towards the cost of any extension of the utility's facilities.
   (B)   Each property requires a separate water tap. A separate individual water tap, service line and meter shall be installed for each lot, property or premise that may be served or individually owned.
   (C)   The utility will make the necessary tap and will furnish, install and maintain the service line extending from the main to the meter pit enclosure, including the curb cock. The curb shut-off valve and box will be installed at a location specified by the utility. For further details as to tap, service line and meter installation, including charge for remote meter reading device, see §§ 53.005 through 53.007.
   (D)   (1)   For new multiple lot subdivisions or developments, all taps and service lines must be installed at the time the water mains are installed. The service line installation shall extend from the main to and include the curb box and shut-off valve.
      (2)   In all cases where new water mains are being installed, every property owner will be required at his or her expense to install at that time the tap, service line, curb shut-off box, and the like for each lot, regardless of whether or not the lot is occupied or is to be occupied.
      (3)   The foregoing tap, service line, and the like, installation will also be required prior to the paving or repaving of any street, alley or other thoroughfare.
   (E)   At the utility's option, the tap and service line may be installed by a contractor approved by the Water Department, the installation to conform to the standards and specifications of and inspection by the Water Department.
(Ord. passed 5-1-80)
   Fire service line installation charges, see § 53.012