(A)   The Community Development Director, or his or her designee, shall survey and investigate all industrial, institutional, commercial, and other properties served by the city’s water supply and distribution system to determine whether actual or potential hazards to the public water supply exist. The surveys and investigations shall be made a matter of public record and shall be repeated at least every two years, or as often as the Community Development Director, or his or her designee, deem necessary. Records of the surveys shall be maintained and available for review for a period of at least five years.
   (B)   In accordance with the authority set forth in division (A) above, the Community Development Director, or his or her designee, shall have the right to enter any property and building at any reasonable time to verify the presence or absence of cross-connections with the city’s water supply or distribution system. Further, the Community Development Director, or his or her designee, shall have the right to enter any property at any reasonable time served by a connection to the city’s water supply or distribution system for the purpose of verifying information submitted by the customer regarding any required cross-connection control devices or provisions. On demand of the Community Development Director, or his or her designee, the owner, lessee or occupant of a property shall furnish to the Community Development Director, or his or her designee, any information that he or she may request regarding the piping system or systems or water use on the property.
(Ord. 2007-03-0086O, passed 3-13-2007)