Special Occupancy Buildings
1488.01   Hazardous occupancies.
1488.02   Greenhouses.
1488.03   Location and exposure of open parking garages.
1488.04   Parking and service station accessory occupancies and uses.
1488.05   Service station location and plot plan.
1488.06   Cellars or basements prohibited in service stations.
1488.07   Pumps, tanks and piping.
1488.08   Abandoned or inoperative gasoline service stations.
1488.99   Penalty.
   Gas stations - see B.R. & T. Ch. Ch. 824
   Construction of garages - see B. & H. 1468.05
   International Property Maintenance Code - see B. & H. Ch. Ch. 1496
   Storage of flammable liquids - see B. & H. 1496.03(v); F.P. 1640.02 et seq.
   Fire inspections and correction of violations - see F.P. 1620.04 et seq.
   Storage of explosives and blasting agents - see F.P. 1640.01