1024.01 Compliance with specifications.
1024.02 Permit.
1024.03 New construction; sidewalks required.
1024.04 Duty to repair.
1024.05 Notice; appeal.
1024.06 Publication in lieu of notice.
1024.07 City may do work; costs assessed.
1024.08 Charges; lien.
1024.09 Plans and specifications.
1024.10 Inspections.
1024.99 Penalty.
Notice to construct or repair sidewalk - see Ohio R.C. 729.03
Construction or repair at owner's expense - see Ohio R.C. 729.04 et seq.
Sidewalk defined - see TRAF. 402.38
Duty to keep sidewalks in repair and clean - see GEN. OFF. 660.05
Excavations - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. Ch. 1020
Sidewalks in subdivisions - see P. & Z. 1236.04