In the event that the nonconforming use of any dwelling, building or structure, or of any land or premises, is voluntarily discontinued for six months or more, any future use thereof shall be in conformity with the provisions of this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 90-68. Passed 5-1-90.)
A nonconforming building may be continued to be used and normal repairs and improvements may be made. For the purpose of this Zoning Code, normal repairs shall include ordinary maintenance of a building or structure, and replacement of equipment which is required for safety of operation, and replacement or substitution of machinery or equipment. The term shall not include the replacement of structural parts in any nonconforming building except when required by law to restore the structure to a safe condition, or to make the building or use conforming.
(Ord. 90-68. Passed 5-1-90.)
Any non conforming building or structure which has been destroyed or damaged by fire, other casualty, act of God or a public enemy, shall thereafter conform to all the provisions of this Zoning Code, or may within three months of destruction or damage be rebuilt or repaired to its previous condition but shall not be enlarged or expanded. An extension of six months may be granted for good cause, otherwise it shall be considered abandoned.
(Ord. 90-68. Passed 5-1-90; Ord. 10-83. Passed 10-19-10.)
(a) No nonconforming building shall be enlarged or structurally altered except to make it a conforming building, provided that the new construction, alterations or enlargements may be permitted on any lot that is non-conforming with respect to minimum lot area and/or minimum lot width and/or minimum lot setbacks as long as such new construction, enlargement, or alteration is in conformance with all other regulations in this Planning and Zoning Code.
(b) A non-conforming use may not be extended within a building, enlarged or added to in any manner.
(Ord. 90-68. Passed 5-1-90; Ord. 04-197. Passed 12-21-04; Ord. 06-150. Passed 1-16-07.)
The use of a nonconforming building may be changed only to a use conforming to the district in which the building is located if approved by the Planning Commission. Thereafter it shall not be changed back to the former nonconforming use.
(Ord. 90-68. Passed 5-1-90.)
A nonconforming structure may be moved to a different location on the same lot or on another parcel of land within the district, with approval of the Planning Commission, after a hearing, provided that proper and adequate alterations are secured to make the structure conform to the regulations of the district where it is located.
(Ord. 90-68. Passed 5-1-90.)
A building or use existing lawfully at the time this Zoning Code or any amendment thereto became effective, but which does not conform to the off-street parking or off-street loading regulations, may be occupied by the existing use without such parking and/or loading facilities being provided. However, any parking spaces that may be provided thereafter shall comply with the regulations set forth in Chapter 1282. If the existing building is altered so that there is an increase in the number of dwelling units, seating capacity or floor area, or if the use is changed to a use requiring more off-street facilities, then off-street parking and loading facilities shall be provided at least equal to the number of spaces required for the entire building use in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1282.
(Ord. 90-68. Passed 5-1-90.)