905.01 Dust control.
905.02 Authority of State Department of Transportation to maintain and service State highways.
905.03 Public way fee.
905.04 Fees for utility companies that apply for new construction projects.
Power to establish and care for streets - see Ohio R.C. 715.19, 717.01, 723.01
Openings by the Municipality - see Ohio R.C. 723.02
Change of name, vacating and narrowing - see Ohio R.C. 723.04 et seq.
Street Department - see ADM. Ch. 139
Injurious materials on streets - see TRAF. 311.01
Parades and assemblages on streets - see TRAF. 311.02
Driving upon streets closed for repair - see TRAF. 331.26
Liability of owners and operators of oil/gas development and logging vehicles for road damage - see TRAF. 339.12
Streets in mobile home parks - see BUS. REG. 725.05(i)