(a)    Any owner of premises abutting on an unpaved street may make application to Council for the application of calcium chloride or other material for the control of dust to the portion of such street abutting the owner's property, and Council shall thereupon direct the Street Commissioner to apply such material to such portion of such street.
   (b)    The cost of such material so applied shall be charged to the owner applying for its application. When paid, the amount shall be credited to the SCMR Fund.
   (c)    If such owner fails or refuses to pay the cost of such material so applied to such unpaved street within thirty days from the application of such material, the Clerk-Treasurer shall certify the amount to the County Auditor, who shall charge the same on the tax duplicate against the owner of the premises benefitted by such application. Such charge shall become a lien on the premises and shall be collected by the County Treasurer in the manner provided by law for the collection of special assessments.
   (d)    Council shall not grant a request for the application of such materials for the benefit of any premises on which a charge for a former application remains unpaid.
(Ord. 294. Passed 10-4-48.)