   (A)    The City establishes the schedule of fees, charges and expenses for zoning permits, building permits, appeals, zoning applications and other matters pertaining to the official zoning ordinance for the City as set out in Appendix A through C to this chapter.
(1995 Code, § 3.04.070)
   (B)   The Code Enforcement Director shall periodically review the schedule of fees herein to determine if the fees, charges and expenses set out in Appendix A through C are sufficient to offset the costs of providing the services and in keeping with the statutory or contractual requirements. If the report indicates that the fees are insufficient to offset the costs the City Manager is authorized to modify the appendices accordingly.
   (C)   Application, installation and annual fees for cellular antenna towers and small cell system towers shall be as set out in Appendix B to this chapter.
(Am. Ord. O-2019-006, passed 3-25-2019)
   (A)   In addition to the taxes, fees and charges levied in this chapter, there are other taxes, fees and charges assessed by the City for various privileges and services. Those taxes, fees and charges are detailed elsewhere in this Code and listed below for reference.
Solid waste collection
Parking meters
Dog licenses
Sexually oriented businesses
Alcoholic beverage license
Horse drawn carriages
Yard sale
   (B)   The Chief Financial Officer shall prepare a report in January of each year to determine if the taxes, fees and charges listed above are sufficient to offset the costs of providing the service. If the report indicates that the taxes, fees and charges require modification to come in line with the costs, the City Manager is authorized to modify the taxes, fees and charges accordingly, unless otherwise restricted by law.
   (C)   A complete list of all of the City’s tax rates, fees and charges shall be prepared and posted for public review and copies of the list shall be available from the City Clerk and posted on the City’s web page. This list shall be changed and updated on an as needed basis.
   Unless the context requires otherwise, the following terms as used in the subchapter shall have the following meanings.
     APPLICANT. A business for occupational license fee withholdings credit pursuant to this subchapter exclusive of retail industry jobs, bars, hotels/motels or jobs in a sexually oriented business/adult entertainment business as elsewhere defined within the City's Code of Ordinances 
   APPROVED COMPANY. An applicant approved by the Job Development Incentive Committee.
   COMMITTEE. The Job Development Incentive Committee.
   CREDIT. The rebate or reimbursement of the City’s occupational license withholdings.
   DIRECTOR. The Job Development Incentive Director or City Manager acting in that capacity.
   EMPLOYEE WITHHOLDINGS. The occupational license fee withholdings from an employee's wages, salaries, bonuses or commissions as set forth in this chapter.
   FUND. Job Development Incentive Fund.
   NEW BUSINESS. A person, corporation, firm, partnership, limited liability company, sole proprietorship, or similar business entity engaging or intending to engage in a professional or commercial activity within the City that has operated in the City for thirty (30) days or less at the time of its application and thereafter remains located within the City during the entire term of the Program.
   NEW JOBS. The creation of no less than $250,000.00 in Newport taxable wages of employees of the applicant as a result of the project and in the on-going operation of the applicant's business and shall not include jobs temporarily created or retained by construction of the project, jobs in the retail industry, restaurant, bars, hotels/motels or jobs in a sexually oriented business/adult entertainment business as elsewhere defined within the City's Code of Ordinances.
   SERVICE or TECHNOLOGY. Any activity involving the performance of work in accordance with the Standard Industrial Classification Manual as revised by the United States Office of Management and Budget from time to time, or any successor publication, but excluding the divisions of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing, Mining, Construction, Manufacturing, wholesale trade, and retail trade. Notwithstanding the excluded classifications by divisions, those service and technology activities of a company engaged in an ineligible activity may be operated as a separate division and, with the approval of the Job Development Incentive Committee and subject to the recordkeeping requirements established by the Committee, may be deemed an eligible activity.
(Ord. O-2007-005, passed 4-23-2007; Am. Ord. O-2009-001, passed 2-9-2009; Am. Ord. O-2017-002, passed 1-23-2017)