(a)   The Director of Public Service is hereby authorized and directed to designate those areas or places of public assembly in which smoking shall be prohibited.
   (b)   Places of public assembly eligible for designation as no-smoking areas shall be those places listed in relevant portions of Ohio R.C. 3791.031(A)(1) through (3).
   (c)   The Director of Public Service shall prepare a complete list of designated areas in which smoking is prohibited, shall reduce such list to writing and shall cause such list to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in two nonconsecutive editions.
   (d)   The determination by the Director of those areas designated as no-smoking areas shall be conclusive and shall not be subject to appeal to any entity or court of law.
   (e)   Within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed thirty days, after the last publication of the list of designated no-smoking areas, the Director shall have such areas posted and shall indicate on the sign that the area has been designated as a no-smoking area pursuant to Section 660.13 of these Codified Ordinances.
   (f)   No person shall smoke cigarettes or other tobacco products in any area designated as a no-smoking area pursuant to this section.
   (g)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor and shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 698.02.
(Ord. 85-47. Passed 8-19-85.)