(a)   Positions and classifications are established and assigned to pay ranges or other specific rates of pay as indicated in the table entitled "Classifications, Pay Assignments, and Position Authorizations," as the same is established from time to time by Council and copies of which are on file in the office of the Clerk of Council. It shall be the responsibility of the office of the Director of Personnel to assign employees to appropriate classifications in accordance with their duties and responsibilities. Positions are authorized within the various offices and departments as indicated in such Table.
   (b)   Implementation of the classification and pay schedules shall be on the basis of each incumbent of a position being placed in that step of the applicable pay range which will result in an increase of at least three percent in base pay. However, if the base pay of the employee is in excess of the top stets for the pay range to which his classification is assigned, his base pay shall riot be reduced but shall be designated as step X.
   (c)   Employees who are promoted from one classification to another which is in a higher pay range shall be paid at that step in the pay range which will result in an increase of at least three percent in base pay. If a classification should be reassigned to a higher pay range the incumbent shall be paid in that step in the higher pay range which will result in an increase of at least three percent in base pay. If a classification should be reassigned to a lower pay range, the incumbent shall not be reduced in pay.
(Ord. 72-70. Passed 11-20-72. )