(A)   All buildings presently located within the city which are vacant, as defined in this chapter, or which hereafter become vacant, shall be registered by the owner thereof with the City Manager, or his or her designated representative, within 30 days of being or becoming a vacant structure.
   (B)   Registration shall be made on forms supplied by the City Manager and shall include:
      (1)   The name, address and telephone number of the owner;
      (2)   The name, address and telephone number of a local agent or representative if the owner is not a resident of the county or Hocking County. Agents shall be required to be residents of the county or Hocking County, at least 18 years of age. Every owner of a vacant building shall designate an agent who, in addition to the owner, shall be responsible for care of the premises and who may accept service of process and official notices on behalf of the owner. An official notice or service of process issued to a designated agent shall be deemed as served or delivered upon the owner of record;
      (3)   The names, addresses and telephone numbers of all persons with any legal interest in the property, buildings and premises, including, but not limited to, holders of land contracts, mortgages and other interest in equity;
      (4)   A legal description and the tax parcel identification number of the premises on which the building or structure is located;
      (5)   The common address of the building or premises;
      (6)   The date on which the building became or has become vacant; and
      (7)   A vacant building plan as hereinafter described.
   (C)   Registration of a vacant building or structure shall be valid for a period of one year.
      (1)   If the building is vacant at the expiration of any registration period and requirements of the vacant building plan are not completed, then the owner shall re-register such building and pay an additional renewal fee established by separate City Council ordinance.
      (2)   If the building is vacant at the expiration of any registration period and the requirements of the vacant building plan are completed, the owner shall re-register such building without filing a new vacant building plan or paying an additional filing fee.
   (D)   The registration of a vacant building shall not preclude action by the city to demolish or force rehabilitation of the building pursuant to the provisions of §§ 91.30 through 91.39 or other fire, safety, health, sanitation or public nuisance law.
   (E)   Upon registration of any previously unregistered building pursuant to this chapter, or when any such vacant building comes to the attention of the city, the City Manager may cause inspections to be made of the premises to determine the condition of such building and premises and whether there exist any fire, safety, health, sanitation or public nuisance hazards upon the premises and shall provide notice to the owners thereof to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 9.17.03) Penalty, see § 156.99