(A)   No person shall own a vacant building or property, as defined in this chapter, unless the building is registered with the City Manager in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
   (B)   (1)   When a building, structure and/or premises are not registered as vacant, the City Manager shall cause written notice to be served by certified mail upon the owner, and, if different, the person having charge of the land, notifying them that registration of the vacant property is necessary.
      (2)   If the address of the owner or person having charge of the property in question is unknown, it shall be sufficient for the City Manager to cause notice to be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the county.
      (3)   In lieu of the above, the City Manager, his or her designated representative or any police officer may make personal or residence service and return of the notice provided for herein, which shall be duly noted by the City Manager, setting forth the cost of the notice or publication.
      (4)   Upon failure of the owner or person having charge of the property in question to comply with the notice within the period of time stipulated, the City Manager shall give notice if the building is open and unsecured, to proceed with any requirements of § 156.03.
      (5)   (a)   Upon the completion of such labor, the City Manager shall determine all costs associated thereof, including registration fees, plus administrative fees. In the event the city is required to employ outside services for the abatement work, the fee shall be the actual cost of the contract plus 15% for administration charges.
         (b)   The total labor costs and registration fee shall be forwarded by the City Manager to the County Auditor of such total charge which shall be entered upon the tax duplicate of the county and be allocated onto the taxes of the property in accordance with R.C. § 731.54.
(Prior Code, § 9.17.07) Penalty, see § 156.99