(A)   As a minimum requirement, all vacant buildings, as defined in this chapter, shall conform to the following requirements.
      (1)   Foundations shall provide structural support at all load bearing structural components and be free from holes and cracks which might admit vermin, rodents, insects, snakes, stray animals, water and dampness to the interior of the building.
      (2)   (a)   Exterior walls and other exterior surfaces, including basement and cellar hatchways, shall be free of holes, cracks, loose and/or rotting boards and siding material which might admit vermin, rodents, insects, snakes, stray animals, rain and dampness to the interior of the building.
         (b)   Wood and ferrous materials shall be maintained free of loose, peeling or flaking paint.
      (3)   (a)   Windows shall fully contain glass in their frames and sashes, be fully glazed without holes or cracks, shall fit reasonably well in their frames and shall be supplied with mechanisms to prevent entry from the exterior.
         (b)   Windows and doors failing this criteria may be boarded in accordance with divisions (B)(1) and (B)(2) below if approved by the City Manager, or his or her designated representative.
      (4)   Exterior doors shall be operable, structurally sound, weather-proof and water-proof, maintained in good working order, fit reasonably well in their frames and shall be supplied with mechanisms to prevent entry from the exterior.
      (5)   Roof coverings and flashing shall be provided and maintained so as to prevent the entrance of rain, snow, moisture, vermin, birds or any other animal causing nuisance.
      (6)   Roof gutters and downspouts shall be provided to collect, conduct and discharge all water from the roof to a location so as not to cause detriment to the structure, its foundation or adjacent properties.
      (7)   Chimneys shall be free of cracks, holes or missing portions and maintained in good repair.
      (8)   Exterior stairs, steps and landings shall be safe to use; maintained free of missing, rotting or deteriorated parts; and kept in sound condition and good repair.
      (9)   Structural components shall be free from deterioration and damage, maintained to function as originally designed or shall be repaired or replaced.
      (10)   The grounds of the premises shall be kept free of weeds, grass, tree limbs, debris, trash, garbage, refuse, rubbish, special rubbish and litter so as not to degrade and debase the general nature and character of the neighborhood; minimize the potential for spreading of noxious weeds and grasses; and minimize conditions creating potential harborage for vermin, rodents, insects, snakes and stray animals.
      (11)   Grass shall be mowed during summer months in conformance with § 91.01.
      (12)   Public sidewalks shall be kept free of snow and ice during the winter months in accordance with § 91.05.
      (13)   No junk, abandoned, unlicensed or inoperable motor vehicle shall be parked on the premises outside a completely enclosed building except those properly licensed as a collector’s vehicle stored in accordance with § 153.158.
      (14)   No used building material, scrap metal, unusable appliances or other objectionable material shall be stored on the premises outside a completely enclosed structure and shall be stored in conformance with §§ 91.06 and 91.15.
      (15)   The interior of the building or structure, including any garage area, storage area and/or accessory structure, shall be clean and free of debris, garbage, trash, rubbish, refuse, litter and filth so as to minimize the potential for unhealthy or unsanitary conditions which may attract vermin, rodents, insects, snakes and stray animals.
   (B)   All buildings, which, in addition to being vacant as defined in this chapter, not in conformance with divisions (A)(3) and (A)(4) above, and are open and unsecured to trespass, shall additionally meet the following requirements.
      (1)   All windows and doors at or below the ground floor area, including any basement or detached accessory structure, shall be fully glazed, fit reasonably well in their frames, be secured to preclude entry or boarded up and secured with a minimum one-half inch sheathing grade plywood, OSB board or equivalent. In no case shall the sheathing be affixed for a period longer than 30 days without being painted to match the exterior of the structure. All other openings above the ground floor shall contain doors and/or windows in conformance with divisions (A)(3) and (A)(4) above or shall be boarded up as per ground floor requirements, if ordered or approved by the City Manager.
      (2)   Sheathing shall be applied in a neat, orderly, weather tight and workpersonlike manner; cut reasonably well to the size of the opening; and painted to match the exterior color scheme of the structure.
   (C)   Any structure in the city, falling within the meaning of any of the definition of STRUCTURE UNFIT FOR HUMAN OCCUPANCY, UNSAFE STRUCTURE or PUBLIC NUISANCE is hereby declared to be illegal and to constitute a public nuisance which shall be subject to abatement by repair or demolition in accordance with the provisions of §§ 91.30 through 91.39.
(Prior Code, § 9.17.04) Penalty, see § 156.99