Water Generally
51.01 Definitions
51.02 Accounts, rates for metered service, and billing
51.03 Water rates for unmetered service
51.04 Tap-in charges
51.05 Charges for thawing freeze-ups and fixing leaks
51.06 Installation and use of meters and special pipes
Services and Charges
51.20 Turn-off of service for non-use or waste
51.21 Turn-off service for delinquency; reconnection fee
51.22 Collection of charges
51.23 Use of monies collected
51.24 Tampering with meters
51.25 Right of entry
51.26 Separate water meter
Water Supply Cross-Connections
51.40 Adoption of rules of the state’s Department of Environmental Quality
51.41 Responsibility of Water Division
51.42 Right of entry
51.43 Discontinuance of service
51.44 Testing of backflow prevention assemblies
51.45 Protection of water supply
51.46 Interpretation
51.55 State and Health Department requirements
51.56 Notification of city
51.57 Permits
51.58 Inspection
51.59 Improper construction
51.60 Well construction
51.61 Relation to public water system
51.62 Enforcement
51.99 Penalty
Statutory reference:
Water quality, see M.C.L.A. §§ 67.38
Water supply generally, see M.C.L.A. §§ 46.171 et seq., 486.51 et seq., 486.101 et seq.
Water supply in home rule cities, see M.C.L.A. §§ 117.4b, 117.4e, 117.4f, 117.35
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
FLAT RATE AND UNMETERED SERVICE. The furnishing of water, the amount of which is not measured.
METERED SERVICE. The furnishing of water, the amount of which is measured by city meters used in conjunction therewith on the premises served.
WATER RATES. Present charges for water, including the supplying and furnishing thereof and any and all service charges incidental thereto.
(Ord. passed 4-11-2019)
(A) Account applications and deposits. No connection or provision of water service shall be made until an applicant therefor shall complete and sign an application form, which form shall include an agreement that all charges for services shall be promptly paid when billed. The application shall contain the name and address of both the consumer of the service and the owner of the premises to be connected, and such other information as the City Manager or Council shall require. In addition to completing an application, the consumer shall make an account deposit as determined by resolution of the Council. The city may require an increase in the initial deposit if the account holder develops a record of delinquent payments after the account has been opened. A new utility account shall not be opened, nor shall any utility services be provided to a person or other legal entity, until all prior unpaid utility charges, interest, penalties, and collection fees owed to the city by that person or legal entity have been paid in full. The account application shall also state that the applicant consents to allow access to city meters at reasonable times by city employees for inspection, maintenance, reading, and calibration.
(B) Rates. Rates to be charged for water furnished by the system are listed in the Council approved city fee schedule. These rates are estimated to be sufficient to provide for the payment of the expenses of administration and operation of the system and such expenses of maintenance of the system as are necessary to preserve the same in good repair and working order, and to provide for such other expenditures and funds for said system as this subchapter may require.
(C) Billing. Cycle billing shall be made for all consumers of water services. All water meters shall be read or estimated within two days before or after the first day of the month, and bills will be generated on a monthly basis thereafter, payable without penalty before or by the billing statement due date thereon. Payment received after such period shall be considered delinquent and bears a penalty as listed in the Council approved city fee schedule.
(Ord. passed 4-11-2019)