(A) Plans and specifications.
(1) Drawings for sanitary sewer improvements shall be prepared on 24-inch by 36-inch sheets, to fit within the municipality’s filing system facilities.
(2) Layout drawings shall include, but not be limited to, the following minimum information:
(a) Name of subdivision or develop ment;
(b) Name, address, and phone number of subdivider/developer and state registered professional engineer that prepared design documents;
(c) Date of submittal, with revision block to identify submittal sequence of dates and purpose of submittal;
(d) North arrow (it is preferable that north be up or to the right);
(e) Scale (it is preferable that the scale of plan layout drawings be one inch equals 50 feet, or an enlarged scale to more clearly show the layout of the project; profile drawings shall utilize a horizontal scale of one inch equals 50 feet and a vertical scale of one inch equals five feet, or enlarged scales to more clearly show the layout of the project; other drawings shall use a scale appropriate to clearly indicate details being shown);
(f) Layout of boundary, streets, lot lines, easements, with dimensions;
(g) Horizontal and vertical location of other project utilities, including, but not limited to, existing sanitary sewers with manholes and appurtenances in project proximity, proposed sanitary sewers, wyes, laterals, force mains, pump stations, manholes, cleanouts, and appurtenances, existing and proposed water mains and related facilities, existing and proposed storm sewers, existing and proposed gas mains, existing and proposed telephone lines, existing and proposed electrical lines, and other utilities, pipelines, and structures that will affect the improvement;
(h) Indicate horizontal and vertical clearances to be provided between sanitary sewers and water mains and storm sewers, with protection methods that may be required to comply with IEPA requirements and standards of good practice;
(i) Signature and seal of state registered professional engineer that prepared the documents, with date;
(j) Depths of sanitary sewers (in profile), with identification of manhole rim and invert elevations;
(k) Identify materials to be used for sanitary sewers, service lines, wyes, force mains, and related appurtenances;
(l) Identify size and length of individual sanitary sewer, service line, and force mains;
(m) Identify size, capacity, existing connected load, and proposed connected load at point of connection with existing sanitary sewer(s) that will serve subdivision/development;
(n) Minimum sizes of sanitary sewers and force mains shall be determined in accord with Illinois Recommended Standards for Sewage Works, IEPA, edition current at time preliminary plat is filed, and shall have adequate capacity to serve project;
(o) Minimum size of service sewers shall be six inches, and minimum slope of service sewers shall be not less than 1%;
(p) 1. Pumping stations, if required to serve project, shall be submersible type with duplex pumps (standard lag/lead arrangement alternating in normal service). Include stationary standby generator driven by diesel engine with automatic transfer switch, local alarm, and telephone dialer;
2. Manufacturer of pumps, generator, transfer switch, and dialer shall comply with Superintendent of Utilities’ standardization policies. Include separate valve vault containing gate valves for isolation, check valves, internal or external gate valve to isolate valve vault and pumping equipment from force main, and capped tee or wye branch to permit introduction to polypig having same diameter as force main. Wet well and valve vault shall be precast reinforced concrete;
3. In valve vault, provide sump and sump pump (with self-contained float controls), double check valves and isolation well in manner to not discharge onto floats. Covers for pump stations and valve vaults shall be aluminum; and
4. Join piping between wet well and valve vault with external flexible couplings installed on each individual line. Provide elapsed running time meter in control panel with each pump, nonresettable type registering in 0.1-hour increments. Provide pressure gauges on each pump discharge line in valve vault.
(q) Wet wells and valve vaults shall be designed and constructed so as to prevent damage caused by flotation forces under all project conditions.
(3) (a) Specifications (or special provisions) shall contain sufficient information to demonstrate compliance with requirements of the municipality’s standards, and other information as required to identify specifications that apply to the required improvement.
(b) Specification documents shall be on eight and one-half by 11-inch pages, bound into individual copies.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.360)
(B) Permits.
(1) The engineer engaged by the subdivider/developer to prepare plans and specifications shall prepare the IEPA permit application documents.
(2) If any special permits are required, such as for facilities crossing highways, railroads, or property under jurisdiction of another agency, they shall be obtained by the subdivider/developer, or its engineer.
(3) If permits are required from the State Department of Transportation or Corps of Engineers, they shall be obtained by the subdivider/developer, or its engineer.
(4) The subdivider/developer shall pay all applicable fees for permits.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.370)
(C) Reference specifications.
(1) Except where noted otherwise in this subchapter, the following reference specifications shall apply.
(2) The edition current at time of preliminary plat filing shall govern:
(a) AWWA Standards, American Water Works Association, 6666 W. Quincy Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80235;
(b) ASTM, American Society for Testing Materials, 1916 Race Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103;
(c) ANSI, American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway New York, New York 10018;
(d) IEPA, State Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Public Water Supplies 2200 Churchill Road P.O. Box 19276 Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276;
(e) All applicable regulations, including technical policy statements and Recommended Standards for Sewage Works;
(f) Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois (referred to in this subchapter as standard W&S specifications);
(g) The State Plumbing Code, being Ill. Adm. Code 980; and
(h) Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, State Department of Transportation (referred to in this subchapter as standard R&B specifications).
(1978 Code, § 16.32.380)
(D) Sanitary and service sewers.
(1) PVC pipe for sanitary sewers shall be in accord with ASTM D 3034, except that pipe shall have SDR 26 rating. Compression-type joints shall be elastomeric gaskets in accord with ASTM D 3212, and gaskets shall be in accord with ASTM F 477.
(2) Extra strength vitrified clay pipe (EXVCP) for sanitary sewers shall be in accord with ASTM C 700. Joints shall be compression-type in accord with ASTM C 425.
(3) Ductile iron pipe for sanitary sewers, including within limits of excavation for pump stations and valve vaults, shall be Class 50 in accord with specified requirements indicated § 151.111.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.390)
(E) Force mains.
(1) Force mains within pump station wet well and valve vault, and within limits of excavation for pump station and valve vault shall be Class 50 ductile iron, in accord with specified requirements indicated in § 151.111.
(2) PVC pipe for force mains shall comply with ASTM D 2241, SDR 26, or stronger. Joints shall be compression-type in accord with ASTM D 3139, and gaskets shall be in accord with ASTM F 477.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.400)
(F) Ductile iron fittings for force mains. Ductile iron fittings shall be in accord with specified requirements indicated in § 151.111
(1978 Code, § 16.32.410)
(G) Gate valves. Gate valves for pump station valve vaults shall be in accord with specified requirements indicated in § 151.111
(1978 Code, § 16.32.420)
(H) Check valves. Check valves shall be in accord with AWWA Standard C 508, full waterway composition to metal seat, with side plugs and outside level and weight.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.430)
(I) Manholes.
(1) Precast concrete manhole sections shall be in accord with ASTM C 478. Provide pipe openings in precast sections fitted with resilient seat connectors in accord with ASTM C 923. Fit pipe size and material used for each manhole;
(2) Cast or ductile iron frame and lid shall be in accord with § § 706.14 and 706.15 of standard R&B specifications. Lids shall have concealed pick openings, self-sealing lid, and top of lid raised identification lettering “SANITARY”. Manhole frames and lids shall be Neenah R 1772, or equal. Furnish one lid lifter from each manufacturer of lids. Set frame in full mastic bed on top of precast concrete manhole section;
(3) Manholes shall have minimum four-foot inside diameter;
(4) Joint seals shall be butyl rubber;
(5) Steps shall be installed at one-foot four inches on centers, with top step within one foot of lid. Steps shall be polypropylene coated steel reinforcing rods; and
(6) If flat top slabs are required, they shall be precast reinforced concrete in accord with IDOT standards. Otherwise, use eccentric precast reinforced concrete cones at upper sections.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.440)
(J) Gravel cradle. Gravel cradle shall be provided for all sanitary sewers, and for force mains crossing beneath existing and proposed paved surfaces. Material shall be in accord with standard W&S specifications, except that maximum particle size shall not exceed one-half inch.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.450)
(K) Select granular backfill. Select granular backfill shall be provided for trenches in areas where sanitary sewers and force mains cross beneath existing and proposed paved surfaces. Material shall be in accord with standard W&S specifications.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.460)
(L) Coasted steel casing pipes. Steel casing pipe for encasement of sanitary sewers and/or force mains shall be in accord with specified requirements indicated in § 151.111
(1978 Code, § 16.32.470)
(M) Flexible couplings. Flexible couplings shall be in accord with specified requirements indicated in § 151.111.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.480)
(N) Steel products. Steel products shall be in accord with specified requirements indicated in § 151.111
(1978 Code, § 16.32.490)
(O) Precast reinforced concrete for pump station wet wells and valve vaults.
(1) Precast concrete shall be in accord with ASTM C 478, or ASTM C 857 and C 858. Precast supplier shall be approved for supplying precast items on IDOT projects. Precast items shall comply with standard R&B specifications.
(2) Top and bottom slabs shall be reinforced to meet project structural conditions.
(3) Joints shall be butyl rubber.
(4) Chamfer exposed top edges, three- fourths inch. Exposed surfaces shall be of uniform broom finish, free from voids or discontinuities.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.500)
(P) Vents for wet wells and valve vaults. Vents shall be six-inch Class 50 ductile iron, consisting of two 90-degree elbows with outlet of vent turned down. Mount 0.018-inch stainless steel wire screen between two bolted flanges at termination of vent, using stainless steel bolts.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.510)
(Q) Pumps for sewage pump stations.
(1) Pumps shall be Flygt submersible pumps to meet standardization policy of municipality.
(2) Motor shall be sized to be non- overloading over full range of pump curve without encroaching on service factor.
(3) (a) Pump performance curve, shop drawings, and operation and maintenance manual shall be furnished to municipality’s Superintendent of Sewers.
(b) The Municipal Engineer shall review pump performance curve, and reserves right of final pump selection.
(4) Maximum speed shall not exceed 1,750 rpm.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.520)
(R) Sump pumps for sewage pump station valve vaults.
(1) Sump pumps shall be submersible type, having at least ten gpm capacity at project total dynamic head condition. Include integral float switch controls, rated NEMA 6.
(2) Provide strainer at entrance to impeller.
(3) Sump pump motor shall be fractional HP, electrically driven, and plugged into a weather- proof GFI outlet within the valve vault.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.530)
(S) Pressure gauges for pump station valve vaults.
(1) Pressure gauges shall have a minimum of four and one-half-inch diameter dial face, stainless steel case, compound graduated in feet, and psi to fit project conditions in mid-range of gauge calibrations; and
(2) Connect gauges to pipes using corporation stop, reducer, and brass gauge cock.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.540)
(T) Aluminum covers for pump station wet wells and valve vaults.
(1) Covers for wet wells and valve vaults shall be checker plate aluminum, minimum one-fourth inch thickness. Aluminum extrusions shall be Alloy 6063-T5 and T6. Aluminum plates and rods shall be Alloy 6061-T6. Hinges and brackets shall be malleable cast iron, cadmium, zinc, or nickel plated;
(2) Design and fabricate to support dead load and live load of at least 150 pounds per square foot;
(3) Include safety handle that locks itself in manner to maintain cover in open position until manually released to lower;
(4) Include provisions for padlocking, in manner which will not allow freezing of locking device, using materials constructed of stainless steel or aluminum; and
(5) Cast covers into top slabs of wet wells and valve vaults.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.550)
(U) Guide rails for submersible pumps. Guide rails shall be Schedule 40 steel pipe, ASTM A 53. Hot dipped galvanized in accord with ASTM A 385 and A 386.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.560)
(V) Portable pump hoists and supports for pumping-stations.
(1) Lifting chains shall be designated by pump manufacturer to withstand superimposed loads with minimum safety factor at least two times the lifting requirement. Minimum capacity for hoists shall be not less than 1,000 pounds;
(2) Hoist shall be of design and configuration to maintain minimum six-foot clearance from top of wet well to bottom of hoist hood;
(3) Include suitable chain block, with corrosion resistant coating; and
(4) Cast portable hoist support into top slab of wet well, and provide a portable hoist as recommended by the pump manufacturer for lifting the pumps and motors out of the wet well.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.570)
(W) Pumping station fence enclosure and access.
(1) Each sewage pumping station, with related equipment, shall be enclosed within a fenced area, with pedestrian and vehicle gate to permit ingress and egress by the municipality for purposes of operation and maintenance. Gates shall be suitable for padlocking, and the municipality will furnish its own master keyed locking devices after the municipality has accepted the pumping station.
(2) The pumping station site shall be furnished with an access driveway suitable for vehicular access and parking, without encroaching onto street right-of-way. The access driveway shall consist of eight inches of compacted CA 6 with an A-3 bituminous surfacing overlay, complying with street improvement requirements set forth in § 151.113.
(3) The fence shall be at least eight feet in height. Preference will be given to treated timber fences for appearance considerations, but in no case shall the fence be of less quality than chain link in accord with IDOT standards with aluminum filler strips to present an opaque appearance.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.580)
(X) Air release valves.
(1) Automatic air release valves, in minimum four feet inside diameter precast concrete vaults with ductile or cast iron frame and lid, at all high points on force mains shall be provided. Furnish backflushing equipment to the municipality’s Superintendent of Utilities; and
(2) Precast concrete vaults and castings shall comply with specified requirements for manholes contained in this subchapter.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.590)
(Y) Transportation, delivery and handling. Comply with specified requirements indicated in § 151.111.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.600)
(Z) Installation and construction; general. At a minimum, installation and construction of sanitary sewers, service sewers, force mains, pump stations, and related facilities shall comply with the Standard W&S specifications, Illinois Recommended Standards for Sewage Works, and the supplemental requirements set forth in this division (Z) through divisions (DD) below. Construction of interconnect with the municipality’s system shall not be commenced until the IEPA permit is delivered to Superintendent of Utilities. Pay all costs for permit application.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.610)
(AA) Installation and construction; depth of bury.
(1) Sanitary sewers, service sewers, and force mains shall have minimum three and one-half feet of dirt covering the top of pipe.
(2) Cover over top of force mains shall not exceed six feet unless specifically authorized on the development plans accepted by the municipality.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.620)
(BB) Installation and construction; tests for sanitary sewers.
(1) Leakage tests.
(a) Water leakage outward or inward (exfiltration or infiltration) shall not exceed the following limits in gallons per inch diameter per mile per day for any section of the system:
1. Exfiltration: 240; and
2. Infiltration: 200.
(b) Perform exfiltration or infiltration tests with minimum positive head of two feet of water column over highest end of section being tested; and
(c) If air testing is used, conduct air testing in accord with ASTM C 828. The testing methods shall take into consideration the range in groundwater elevations projected and conditions during test.
(2) Deflection tests for flexible conduits.
(a) On all sections of sanitary sewers using flexible conduits, such as PVC, perform deflection test in accord with ASTM D 3034. Perform tests without using mechanical pulling devices. Test individual lines no sooner than 30 days after they have been installed. Initiate testing at downstream end of lines and proceed towards upstream end. No pipe shall exceed a deflection of 5%; and
(b) Where deflection is found to be in excess of 5% of the original pipe diameter, excavate to point of excess deflection and carefully compact at point of excess deflection. Then, retest for deflection. If after the initial testing the deflected pipe fails to return to original size (inside diameter) within 5% limits, replace the line.
(3) Cleaning lines. Before placing the sanitary sewers into service, and prior to acceptance by the municipality, lines shall be cleaned with sewer ball or polypig having diameter equal to at least 98% of pipe diameter.
(4) Cleaning manholes. The inverts of all manholes shall be cleaned to broom-clean condition, prior to placing the sanitary sewers into service, and prior to acceptance by the municipality.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.630)
(CC) Installation and construction; leakage tests for force mains. Hydrostatic tests shall be provided using minimum 50 psi pressure, or two times the maximum working pressure, whichever is greater. Pressure tests for force mains shall be in accordance with specified requirements indicated in § 151.111.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.640)
(DD) Installation and construction start-up of pumping stations.
(1) Bearings and equipment shall be lubricated in accord with manufacturer’s instructions;
(2) Check each motor for amperage comparison to nameplate value, and record value in presence of the municipality’s Superintendent of Utilities;
(3) The manufacturer of the pumps, controls, standby generator, and related equipment shall furnish at least eight consecutive hours of operation and maintenance instructions to the Superintendent of Utilities before placing pumping stations into service. The minimum period of instruction to the municipality’s personnel shall be in addition to any installation instructions given to the installing contractor; and
(4) Furnish the municipality’s Superintendent of Utilities at least two copies of operation and maintenance manuals prepared by the equipment manufacturers, prior to placing the pumping station into service.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.650)
(EE) Tap-on fees and service connections.
(2) Provide risers to within seven feet of finished ground elevation, and extend service laterals to property line of five feet beyond centerline of sanitary sewer, whichever distance is greater. Note: If risers are located within seven feet of finished ground elevation, no basement could be serviced by gravity flow by this service line; and
(3) (a) Record location of all wyes, risers, and service sewer connections, to nearest one foot, by measuring from center-line of nearest downstream manhole lid.
(b) Furnish measurements with record drawings for improvements to the municipality’s Superintendent of Utilities.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.660)
(FF) Private sewage disposal systems.
(1) (a) The municipality’s policy is to discourage use of private sewage disposal systems and to encourage connection to the public sanitary sewer system.
(b) It shall be the responsibility of the subdivider/developer to extend existing public sanitary sewer facilities to the subdivision or development if an existing system is within 1,000 feet of the subdivision or development.
(2) If a public sanitary sewer system is not available and within 1,000 feet of the subdivision or development for service to the subdivision or development, the municipality may either require the subdivider/developer to extend the public sanitary sewer to the subdivision or development, or the municipality may accept the use of private sewage disposal systems only for residential areas.
(3) (a) Private sewage disposal systems, if allowed, shall comply with the requirements of the State Department of Public Health and the County Health Department, and the minimum lot size shall be not less than one and one-half acres.
(b) The development plans for private sewage disposal systems shall indicate the location of the facilities.
(c) Any surface discharge of sewage treated with private disposal systems shall be clearly identified, on the development plans, and the subdivider/developer shall furnish evidence of permission to make such surface discharge.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.670)
(Ord. 96-12, passed - -1996)