(A)   Plans and specifications.
      (1)   Drawings for street improvements shall be prepared on 24-inch by 36-inch sheets, to fit with the municipality’s filing system facilities.
      (2)   Layout drawings shall include, but not be limited to, the following minimum information:
         (a)   Name of subdivision or development;
         (b)   Name, address, and phone number of subdivider/developer and state registered professional engineer that prepared design documents;
         (c)   Date of submittal, with revision block to identify submittal sequence of dates and purpose of submittal;
         (d)   North arrow (it is preferable that north be up or to the right);
         (e)   Scale (it is preferable that the scale of plan layout drawings be one inch equals 50 feet or an enlarged scale to more clearly show the layout of the project; profile drawings shall utilize a horizontal scale of one inch equals 50 feet and a vertical scale of one inch equals five feet, or enlarged scale to more clearly show the layout of the project; other drawings shall use a scale appropriate to clearly indicate details being shown);
         (f)   Layout dimensions of the streets, indicating right-of-way width, pavement width, face to face of curb width, and sidewalk widths and locations;
         (g)   Location of storm drainage facilities to be constructed along and/or across the street, with horizontal location and vertical elevations indicated;
         (h)   Location of other utilities and structures which will affect the design and construction of streets and storm drainage facilities. Indicate horizontal and vertical clearances where utility lines cross each other and storm sewers;
         (i)   Signature and seal of state registered professional engineer that prepared the documents, with date;
         (j)   Typical cross-section of pavements to be constructed, including identification of critical dimensions, pavement slopes, pavement materials and thicknesses, sidewalk thicknesses, and slopes;
         (k)   Vertical alignment of street profile, including tangent slopes, stations, and elevations of PVI, PC, and PT on tangent and vertical curves, length of vertical curves. Horizontal location and elevation of low point on sag vertical curves; and
         (l)   Elevations at ends of existing pavement to be connected to, with direction and percent slope indicated on existing pavement with 200 feet of the connection point.
      (3)   (a)   Specifications (or special provisions) shall contain sufficient information to demonstrate compliance with requirements of the municipality’s standards, and other information as required to identify the specifications that apply to the required improvement.
         (b)   Specification documents shall be on eight and one-half by 11-inch pages, bound into individual copies.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.680)
   (B)   Permits.
      (1)   The engineer engaged by the sub divider/developer to prepare plans and specifications shall prepare all necessary permit application documents applicable to the project.
      (2)   (a)   If permits are required to connect to existing roads under jurisdiction of other agencies (including, but not limited to, state, county, township), they shall be obtained by the sub divider/developer or its engineer.
         (b)   A preliminary plat shall accompany the permit applications for entrances to public roads in accord with applicable statutes.
      (3)   If permits are required to comply with environmental and other regulations through the State Department of Transportation or Corps of Engineers, they shall be obtained by the subdivider/developer, or its engineer.
      (4)   The subdivider/developer shall pay all applicable fees for permits.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.690)
   (C)   Minimum design requirements; reference documents.
      (1)   Except where noted otherwise herein, the following reference specifications and standards shall apply.
      (2)   The edition current at time of preliminary plat filing shall govern:
         (a)   Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, and addenda thereto, State Department of Transportation (referred to in this subchapter as standard R&B specifications);
         (b)   Highway Standards, State Department of Transportation (referred to in this subchapter as R&B Standards);
         (c)   Design Manual, State Department of Transportation (referred to in this subchapter as R&B Design Manual); and
         (d)   Culvert Manual, State Department of Transportation (referred to in this subchapter as R&B Culvert Manual).
(1978 Code, § 16.32.700)
   (D)   Minimum design requirements; right-of-way and pavement width.
      (1)   Right-of-way and pavement width shall be as indicated on the following table for the respective types of zoning districts indicated and more specifically defined in Chapter 152 of this code of ordinances.
Zoning District Classification
Minimum Right-of-Way
Minimum Pavement Width
Zoning District Classification
Minimum Right-of-Way
Minimum Pavement Width
Arterial streets
80 feet
44 feet F-F
Collector or local streets
70 feet
40 feet F-F
Arterial streets
80 feet
44 feet F-F
Collector or local streets
70 feet
40 feet F-F
Arterial streets
66 feet
40 feet F-F
Collector or local streets
60 feet
36 feet F-F
F-F denotes fact to fact curbs
      (2)   Where temporary stub streets are terminated to allow for future extension to an adjacent property not within the subdivision or development boundary, a surfaced area having minimum 42-foot radius shall be provided. Cul-de-sacs shall have minimum right-of-way radius not less than 54 feet and minimum face of curb radius not less than 42 feet. Alleys, where permitted, shall have minimum 20-foot right-of-way width and minimum 18-foot pavement width.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.710)
   (E)   Minimum design requirements; horizontal alignment.
      (1)   Simple horizontal curves are permissible, with maximum 250-foot centerline radius; and
      (2)   If reverse curves are used, each shall have maximum 250-foot centerline radius, and the minimum tangent distance between the PT and PC of curves shall be not less than 100 feet.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.720)
   (F)   Minimum design requirements; intersection turning radii.
      (1)   The minimum face of curb radii shall be not less than indicated on the following table for the respective types of zoning districts indicated and more specifically defined in Chapter 152 of this code of ordinances.
Zoning District Classification
Minimum Radius, Face of Curb
Zoning District Classification
Minimum Radius, Face of Curb
Business/Commercial and Industrial
15 feet
   Arterial streets
40 feet
   Collector or local streets
40 feet (three center curves recommended)
40 feet
   Collector or local streets
25 feet
      (2)   Where required by the county, state or other jurisdictional agency, the subdivider/developer shall furnish an intersection design study to meet acceptance of the jurisdictional agency.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.730)
   (G)   Minimum design requirements; vertical alignment.
      (1)   Longitudinal, pavement, and curb and gutter slopes shall be not less than 0.5%, or more than 8%.
      (2)   At changes in vertical alignment, provide parabolic vertical curve having minimum length of 100 feet, unless speed and sight distance requirements for arterial streets require longer vertical curves.
      (3)   Where cul-de-sacs are used, the minimum slope around the perimeter of the paved area shall be not less than 0.5%.
      (4)   (a)   Intersections shall be designed with flat gradient where practical, while maintaining minimum one-fourth inch per foot slope on pavement surface to accommodate surface drainage.
         (b)   In hilly terrain, an area having not greater than 2% slope for a distance of at least 60 feet from the nearest right-of-way line of the intersecting street shall be provided at the approach to an intersection.
      (5)   The cross slopes on all streets, including intersections shall not exceed 3%.
      (6)   (a)   Due consideration shall be given to topography, drainage, and the grading plan for the development.
         (b)   It is desired that vertical alignment for streets generally follow existing terrain.
         (c)   1.   Do not change drainage patterns, divert drainage, or increase the tributary drainage area from that which existed prior to the development.
            2.   It is desired that the top of curb elevation be at least one and one-half feet below building floor elevations wherever practical.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.740)
   (H)   Minimum design requirements; pavement slopes. Transverse pavement slopes shall be five- sixteenths inch per foot for concrete and asphalt pavements, and three-eighths-inch per foot for oil and chip pavements.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.750)
   (I)   Minimum design requirements; subgrade base preparation. All subgrade bases shall achieve and pass 95% compaction tests.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.760)
   (J)   Minimum design requirements; pavement materials and thicknesses.
      (1)    Pavement materials shall be in accord with standard R&B specifications, with minimum thicknesses as indicated on the following table for the respective types of zoning districts indicated and more specifically defined in the Chapter 152 of this code of ordinances.
Zoning District
Minimum Pavement of Thickness
Commercial and Industrial
Arterial streets
Same as collector
Collector or local streets
8 inches PCC concrete over 6 inches of compacted aggregate base course, Type B
Aerial streets
8 inches of compacted to 95% aggregate base course, Type B, with A-3 bituminous surface course 25 feet
Collector or local streets
8 inches of compacted to 95% aggregate base course, Type B, with A-3 bituminous surface course 25 feet
      (2)   The foregoing minimum concrete pavement thicknesses are based on use of nonreinforced concrete pavement.
      (3)   (a)   Where temporary stub streets are terminated to allow for future extension to an adjacent property not within the subdivision or development boundary, the permanent surfacing shall extend to the maximum distance to join with a temporary cul-de-sac having minimum surfaced radius of 42 feet.
         (b)   The temporary turn-around area shall be paved with a minimum of eight inches of aggregate base course Type B surfaced with a minimum two-inch thickness of asphaltic road mix, all in accord with the standard R&B specifications.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.770)
   (K)   Minimum design requirements; curbs and gutters.
      (1)   All streets shall have curbs and gutters on each side.
      (2)   Curbs and gutters shall be mountable type as specified by the City Street Department.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.780)
   (L)   Minimum design requirements; sidewalks.
      (1)   Concrete sidewalks shall be provided as indicated in this subchapter. Along arterial streets only, concrete sidewalks shall be provided on at least one side of the arterial streets. Concrete shall be in accord with the standard R&B specifications.
      (2)   Sidewalk shall be minimum four-inch thickness, except minimum six-inch thickness shall be used where the sidewalk passes across driveways and entrances.
      (3)   Sidewalks shall have the outer edge one foot, plus or minus two inches, from the right-of-way line of the streets.
      (4)   (a)   Sidewalks shall have cross slope of one-fourth inch per foot, towards the pavement.
         (b)   Sidewalk longitudinal slopes shall match the slopes of the adjacent pavement to the maximum practical extent.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.790)
   (M)   Minimum design requirements; driveway entrances on public right-of-way.
      (1)   Driveway entrances on public right-of- way shall have minimum widths, at the front edge of the sidewalk, as indicated on the following table for the respective types of zoning districts indicated and more specifically described in Chapter 152 of this code or ordinances.
Zoning District Classification
Minimum Width
Minimum Radius(a)
Commercial and Industrial
30 feet
20 feet
12 feet
10 feet
(a) Radius is to face of curb, beginning at juncture with pavement curb.
      (2)   The driveway entrance pavement shall have slope not less than 1% or greater than 8%, and shall be minimum six-inch thick PCC pavement, and shall extend from the curb line to the property line.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.800)
   (N)   Minimum design requirements; construction, contraction and expansion joints.
      (1)   Pavement construction, contraction, and expansion joints shall comply with the R&B standards. Neat and uniform finish shall be provided at all joints;
      (2)   Concrete pavement construction joints shall include No. 4 dowel bars at maximum two-foot six-inch spacing;
      (3)   Provide sawed contraction joints across pavement, including curb and gutter, at maximum 20- foot spacing. On pavement, diagonal pattern is recommended to minimize tire noise from vehicular traffic. All sawed contraction joints shall be filled with an appropriate joint filler, after thoroughly cleaning the joints to remove deleterious material. Omit sawed joints for pavements constructed of aggregate base course and bituminous surfacing, but provide joints for concrete curb and gutter as indicated herein;
      (4)   Join concrete pavement to curb and gutter with No. 4 dowel bars at maximum two-foot six-inch spacing;
      (5)   Provide expansion joint in concrete pavements, curb and gutter, and sidewalks at maximum 100-foot spacing. Fill joint with pre-molded joint filler depressed one-half inch, and seal top of joint with an appropriate joint filler. A similar expansion joint shall be provided at the juncture of entrance driveway pavements with the adjacent depressed curb and with the adjacent sidewalk;
      (6)   Provide tooled contraction joints in concrete sidewalks, inlets at maximum five-foot spacing. Tool all exposed edges of sidewalks; and
      (7)   Indicate all jointing patterns, locations and details on development plans or by reference to the appropriate R&B standards. Give special attention to jointing pattern and spacing at intersections, cul-de- sacs, and other non-uniform pavement sections.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.810)
   (O)   Materials; generally. All materials shall comply with the standard R&B specifications.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.820)
   (P)   Maintenance; steel products. Steel products shall be in accord with specified requirements indicated in § 151.111.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.830)
   (Q)   Installation and construction; general. All installation and construction shall be in accord with the standard R&B specifications.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.840)
   (R)   Installation and construction; record drawings.
      (1)   Record drawings shall be furnished to the municipality within ten days after new streets are placed into service and prior to issuance of any building permit in the subdivision or development.
      (2)   Record drawings shall be reproducible, good quality polyester film, or Autocad diskette compatible with the municipality’s computer system. Record drawings shall reflect as-constructed conditions for all street improvements.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.850)
(Ord. 96-12, passed - -1996)