(A)   Plans and specifications.
      (1)   Drawings for water main improvements shall be prepared on 24-inch by 36-inch sheets.
      (2)    Layout drawings shall include, but not be limited to, the following minimum information:
         (a)   Name of subdivision or development;
         (b)   Name, address, and phone number of subdivider/developer and state registered professional engineer that prepared the design and documents;
         (c)   Date of submittal, with revision block to identify submittal sequence of dates and purpose of submittal;
         (d)   North arrow (it is preferable that north be up or to the right);
         (e)   Scale (it is preferable that the scale of layout drawings be one inch equals 50 feet, or an enlarged scale to more clearly show the layout of the project; other drawings shall use a scale appropriate to clearly indicate details being shown);
         (f)   Layout of boundary, streets, lot lines, and easements, with dimensions;
         (g)   Location of other project utilities, including, but not limited to, existing water mains with hydrants and valves in project proximity, proposed water mains with hydrants and valves included with improvement, existing and proposed sanitary sewers and related facilities, existing and proposed storm sewers and related facilities, existing and proposed gas mains, existing and proposed telephone lines, existing and proposed electrical lines, and other utilities, pipelines, and structures that will affect the improvements;
         (h)   Indication of horizontal and vertical clearances to be provided between water mains and sanitary and storm sewers, with protection methods that may be required to comply with IEPA requirements and standards of good practice;
         (i)   Signature and seal of state registered professional engineer that prepared the documents, with date;
         (j)   Depth of cover from finished grade to top of water main, with tolerance;
         (k)   Identification of materials to be used for water mains, fittings, and related appurtenances;
         (l)   Identification of size and length of individual water main sections;
         (m)   Identification of hydrant flow test information, prepared by project’s state registered professional engineer, to indicate the following information at the point of connection with each existing water main to be interconnected to project improvements. Include static pressure, residual pressure observed, number and size of nozzles flowed, and computed flow available at 20 psi residual pressure;
         (n)   Gate valves with boxes at intersection with all existing and proposed water mains, and auxiliary gate valves for fire hydrants, and gate valves arranged so that no single pipe length greater than 1,000 feet must be taken out of service for future repairs and/or maintenance;
         (o)   Fire hydrants with auxiliary gate valves and boxes, and minimum six-inch hydrant lead, located at dead ends and arranged so that hydrant spacing does not exceed 500 feet;
         (p)   Water mains shall be looped in order to avoid dead ends, where practical and at locations required by the municipality; and
         (q)   Minimum water main pipe sizes shall be not less than shown on the following schedule.
Zoning District
Minimum Size
      (3)   (a)   Specifications (or special provisions) shall contain sufficient information to demonstrate compliance with requirements of the municipality’s standards, and other information as required to identify the specifications that apply to the required improvement.
         (b)   Specification documents shall be on eight and one-half by 11–inch pages, bound into individual copies.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.080)
   (B)   Permits.
      (1)   The engineer engaged by the subdivider/developer to prepare plans and specifications shall prepare the IEPA permit application documents.
      (2)   Special permits are required, such as for facilities crossing highways, railroads, or property under jurisdiction of another agency, shall be obtained by the subdivider/developer, or its engineer.
      (3)   Permits, as required from the State Department of Transportation or Corps of Engineers, shall be obtained by the subdivider/developer, or its engineer.
      (4)   The subdivider/developer shall pay all applicable fees for permits.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.090)
   (C)   Reference specifications.
      (1)   Except where noted otherwise in this subchapter, the following reference specifications shall apply.
      (2)   The edition current at time of preliminary plat filing shall govern:
         (a)   AWWA Standards, American Water Works Association, 6666 W. Quincy Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80235;
         (b)   ASTM, American Society for Testing Materials, 1916 Race Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103;
         (c)   ANSI, American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway New York, New York 10018;
         (d)   IEPA, State Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Public Water Supplies 2200 Churchill Road P.O. Box 19276 Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276;
         (e)   All applicable regulations, including technical policy statements, and ten state standards; and
         (f)   Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois referred to in this subchapter as standard W and S specifications.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.100)
   (D)   Brass goods. Comply with AWWA Standard C 800 for brass goods, bronze items, and copper castings.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.110)
   (E)   PVC pipe.
      (1)   PVC pipe for water mains shall comply with ASTM D 2241 and ANSI B 72. Minimum working pressure rating not less than SDR 21, and DR 18 is permissible. Comply with NSF 14 requirements for markings and standards for potable water service. Pipe shall be cast iron outside diameter.
      (2)    PVC material for pipe shall comply with ASTM D 1784 for cell classification 12454-b.
      (3)   Joints for PVC water main shall be compression type, in accord with ASTM D 3139. Gaskets shall be in accord with ASTM F 477 for elastomeric seals.
      (4)   ASTM D 1499 for quick burst test, ASTM D 1598 for sustained pressure test, ASTM D 2444 for impact test, and ASTM D 2152 for acetone immersion test shall all apply to PVC pipe for water mains.
      (5)   Pipe shall be in standard 20-foot lengths.
      (6)   To comply with the municipality’s standardization policy, all PVC pipe for water mains shall be manufactured by Cantex, Certainteed, JM Corporation, Capco, or Vinal Plex.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.120)
   (F)   Ductile iron pipe.
      (1)   Ductile iron pipe shall comply with AWWA Standard C 110. Provide mechanical joints on pipe. Ductile iron pipe, including bolting, shall also comply with AWWA Standards C 115, C 150 and C 151. Minimum Class 50 thickness Class;
      (2)   All ductile iron pipe shall be cement mortar lined in accord with AWWA Standard C 104, standard thickness; and
      (3)   Furnish to the municipality’s Superintendent of Utilities two copies of affidavit of compliance with AWWA standards no later than time of delivery and prior to installation. Mark name of subdivision/development on affidavit.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.130)
   (G)   Ductile iron fittings.
      (1)   Ductile iron fittings shall have mechanical joints. Fittings, including bolting, shall comply with AWWA Standards C 110, C 111 and C 153. Where fittings are to connect to PVC pipe, include transition gaskets as required to make all connections. Furnish to the municipality’s Superintendent of Utilities two copies of affidavit of compliance with AWWA standards no later than time of delivery and prior to installation. Mark name of subdivision/development on affidavit; and
      (2)   Bolting, gaskets, and related accessories shall be furnished by the fitting manufacturer and shall be packaged and labeled with name of fitting manufacturer.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.140)
   (H)   Gate valves.
      (1)   All gate valves, four- through 12-inch size, shall be in accord with AWWA Standard C 509. Protective interior coatings for gate valves shall comply with AWWA Standard C 550. Gate valves shall be resilient seat with nonrising stem, and shall open when turned counter-clockwise. All gate valves shall be suitable for direct burial, including standard operating nut;
      (2)   Gate valves smaller than four inches shall comply with AWWA Standard C 500;
      (3)   Provide gate valves with transition gaskets and necessary accessories to connect with PVC pipe when PVC pipe material is used for water mains;
      (4)   All gate valves shall open and close freely, and shall close bottle-tight under all service conditions; and
      (5)   Furnish to the municipality’s Superintendent of Utilities two copies of affidavit of compliance with referenced AWWA standards. Mark name of subdivision/development on affidavits.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.150)
   (I)   Valve boxes. Valve boxes shall be cast or ductile iron, five and one-quarter-inch diameter adjustable from two feet to three and one-half feet, with cast or ductile iron cover marked “WATER”.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.160)
   (J)   Water main materials; tapping valves.
      (1)   Tapping valve shall be in accord with specified requirements for gate valves. Valve shall permit achieving minimum tap opening as shown on the following table.
Main Size
Shell Cut
      (2)   Tapping valve shall be flanged by mechanical joint, with flange complying with ANSI B 16.1, Class 125, including bolting.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.170)
   (K)   Tapping sleeves. 
      (1)   Tapping sleeves shall be cast or ductile iron, rated for 200 psi service. Outlet flange shall comply with ANSI B 16.1, Class 125, including bolting. Tapping sleeves shall be sized for type of pipe being tapped. Sleeves shall be mechanical joint-type with totally confined end and side gaskets to eliminate cold flow and creep; and
      (2)   Reinforce cross sections to strengthen section modulus. Tapping sleeves shall permit achieving minimum tap opening (shell cut) as specified for tapping valves.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.180)
   (L)   Fire hydrants.
      (1)   Fire hydrants shall comply with AWWA Standard C 502. Fire hydrants shall be Mueller Company Centurion to comply with the municipality’s standardization policy;
      (2)   Fire hydrants shall be six-inch, three way with one four and one-half-inch nozzle and two two and one-half-inch nozzles, six-inch shoe, and a five and one-quarter-inch valve opening. Hydrants shall be compression type, open against pressure, and close with pressure, with o-ring type construction. Provide two positive barrel drain openings, self-oiling reservoir, non-kinking nozzle cap chains. Provide one and one-half-inch pentagon operating nut, open counterclockwise with arrow, and marking to indicate direction to open. Provide factory-applied coatings on exterior and interior, red exterior;
      (3)   Hydrant valve shall open and close freely. When hydrant is closed, it shall be bottle-tight to maintain dry barrel; and
      (4)   Provide a six-inch gate valve (auxiliary valve) and box on all six-inch hydrant leads.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.190)
   (M)   Coated steel casing pipe.
      (1)   Steel casing pipe for encasement of water mains shall have inside diameter at least two inches greater than outside diameter of water main carrier pipe joint. Casing pipe wall thickness shall be not less than one-quarter inch, or greater when required by the jurisdiction granting the permit for installation of the casing pipe;
      (2)   Steel pipe shall comply with ASTM A 139, Grade B. Ends shall be beveled for butt welding in accord with AWWA Standard C 200;
      (3)   Minimum length of casing pipe sections shall be not less than ten feet; and
      (4)   On exterior of steel casing pipe, provide asphalt base coating, Gilsonite-type, BB-99 black pipe coating having minimum 27% solids by volume, at one and one-half to two mils dry film thickness (DFT), as manufactured by Wool Chemical Company (St. Louis), Tnemac (Kansas City), or Valspar (Kankakee).
(1978 Code, § 16.32.200)
   (N)   Flexible couplings. Flexible couplings shall be suitable for joining pipe materials as required, and shall be manufactured by Dresser, Rockwell, or equal. Bolts shall be of noncorrodible materials at least equal to AWWA Standard C 111. Furnish to the municipality’s Superintendent of Utilities two affidavits of compliance, and mark name of sub division/development on affidavits.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.210)
   (O)   Steel products. Steel products to be used or supplied for any subdivision or development shall be manufactured or produced in the United States, in accord with the state of Illinois Steel Products Procurement Act (Public Act 83-1030), being 30 ILCS 565/1 et seq. This requirement shall apply to all steel products, including iron pipe and fittings.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.220)
   (P)   Transportation, delivery, and handling.
      (1)   Handle products and materials by methods to prevent bending or over-stressing. Lift items only at designated lifting points. Pipe shall be delivered on wooden pallets with slings for lifting, in accord with manufacturer’s recommendations. Prevent damage to products, materials, and packaging. Provide protection during handling to prevent scraping, marring, or otherwise damaging items or surrounding surface; and
      (2)   Store moisture- or water-vulnerable items above grade.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.230)
   (Q)   Installation and construction; general.
      (1)   At a minimum, installation and construction of water mains and related facilities shall comply with the standard W&S specifications, and the following supplemental requirements as set forth in divisions (R) through (AA) below; and
      (2)   Construction of interconnect with municipality’s system shall not commence until IEPA permit is delivered to Superintendent of Utilities. Pay all costs for water main permit application.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.240)
   (R)   Installation and construction; depth of bury. Water mains shall have minimum three and one-half feet of soil covering the top of pipe, and cover shall not exceed six feet unless specifically authorized on the development plans accepted by the municipality. (1978 Code, § 16.32.250)
   (S)   Installation and construction; operability.
      (1)   Valve boxes shall be installed in plumb position to assure that valve can be operated with standard valve wrench;
      (2)   Fire hydrants shall be installed in plumb position with nozzles facing street; and
      (3)   Install fire hydrants to comply with Illinois State Statutes, Public Acts 85-0343 , being 425 ILCS 20/0.01 et seq. Fire hydrants shall be installed to have discharge nozzles at least 14 inches, but not more than 26 inches, from the finished grade elevation from which the hydrant protrudes. No object may be constructed, maintained, or installed within 48 inches of a fire hydrant. Do not construct barriers, landscaping, or other obstacles which may hide or impede the use of a fire hydrant.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.260)
   (T)   Installation and construction; pressure tests.
      (1)   Valves shall not be open between public water supply system and new water mains which have not been satisfactorily pressure tested, disinfected, bacteriologically tested, and flushed.
      (2)   Hydrostatic pressure test shall be performed using 120 psi minimum test pressure, in accord with AWWA Standard C 600. For buried piping, minimum test duration shall be not less than six hours while maintaining specified test pressure. For exposed piping, minimum test duration shall be not less than two hours while maintaining specified test pressure. Allowable leakage determined under specified test pressure and test duration shall not exceed the amount computed as follows.
   L = ND (P) 0.5
   L = allowable leakage, gallons per hour
   N = number of joints in line being tested (include fittings)
   D = pipe diameter, inches
   P = specified test pressure, psi
      (3)   For duration of test, the pressure shall not vary by more than plus or minus 5% from the specified test pressure.
      (4)   Water used for testing shall be of potable quality from the municipality’s system.
      (5)   Pressure gauges for testing shall be calibrated and in good condition, with four and one- half-inch dial face, compound graduated in feet, and psi to cover specified test range. Provide snubber if required to obtain accurate gauge readings.
      (6)   Provide necessary excavation, fittings, adapters, water meter, connections, air release valves, and pumps to pressure test piping as specified. Remove temporary facilities after satisfactory completion of test.
      (7)   If initial test fails, make necessary repairs and repeat test until specified performance is achieved. Water added during test and at end of test shall not exceed allowable leakage computed as specified herein.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.270)
   (U)   Installation and construction; sequence.
      (1)   Install piping system;
      (2)   Flush piping system to remove air and gases, by introducing water at velocity less than one- half feet per second;
      (3)   Conduct pressure test in presence of Municipality’s Superintendent of Utilities;
      (4)   (a)   Disinfect, using initial 50 mg/l chlorine dosage, with 24-hour contact time, with minimum ten mg/l chlorine residual available at end of 24-hour contact time; and
         (b)   Expose all parts of new valves and hydrants to disinfectant solution.
      (5)   Flush for duration required to remove water used for disinfection;
      (6)   Obtain bacteriological samples on two consecutive days, in accord with IEPA requirements. Submit copies of test report to Superintendent of Utilities; and
      (7)   The municipality will submit operating permit application.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.280)
   (V)   Installation and construction; flushing. Flushing shall be performed with hydrant valve fully open, in manner to prevent damage to adjacent property. Do not discharge to sanitary sewers. Operate valves and hydrants slowly to avoid surges and water hammer.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.290)
   (W)   Installation and construction; disinfectant.
      (1)   Acceptable disinfectants are sodium hypochlorite and calcium hypochlorite, both in liquid solution introduced with a metering pump. Tablet method or use of chlorine gas is not permissible; and
      (2)   Disinfection of plastic (PVC) pipe shall be in accord with AWWA Standard C 651.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.300)
   (X)   Installation and construction; thrust blocks.
      (1)    In addition to requirements specified in standard W&S specifications, thrust blocks on ends of lines and capped tees shall be installed in a manner to permit future connections.
      (2)   All piping and fittings shall be joined and restrained to totally prevent separation and leakage under project service conditions.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.310)
   (Y)   Installation and construction; select granular backfill. Provide gravel cradle and select granular backfill under streets, driveways, parking areas, and other areas to be paved now or in the future. Mechanically compact in maximum six-inch lifts, or water jet. Gravel cradle and select granular backfill of areas to be paved.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.320)
   (Z)   Installation and construction; installation of water mains in casing pipes.
      (1)   Install water main in steel casing pipes, installed by boring and jacking or open cut as permitted by right-of-way owner having jurisdiction (including, but not limited to, IDOT, county, townships, railroads, and the like), where required by right-of-way owner;
      (2)   (a)   Obtain permit, in name of municipality, from jurisdictional agency;
         (b)   Provide permit bonds as required by jurisdictional agency, and comply with all permit requirements; and
         (b)   Furnish a copy of the permit to the Municipality’s Superintendent of Streets prior to commencing construction, with name of subdivision/development marked on permit.
      (3)   Casing pipes shall have end seals, using material which is compatible with pipe materials and casing, but the seals shall not be water-tight. Casing pipes shall be straight with no bends;
      (4)   Carrier pipe shall be supported with cradles or skids. Do not rest carrier pipe bell joints or pipe on casing pipe. Skids or cradles for PVC pipe shall be in accord with PVC Pipe Handbook, as published by Uni-Bell Plastic Pipe Association, and as recommended by pipe manufacturer;
      (5)   Casing pipe joints shall be welded in accord with AWWA Standard C 206;
      (6)   Casing pipe adjacent to ditches and embankments shall extend beyond the toe of slope, to a sufficient length determined by a two horizontal: one vertical slope from the toe of slope to the top and end of the casing pipe, or a greater length as may be required by the agency having jurisdiction; and
      (7)   Apply coating at welded joints, the same as specified for the exterior coating of the steel casing pipe.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.330)
   (AA)   Installation and construction; record drawings.
      (1)   Record drawings shall be furnished to municipality within ten days after new water mains and appurtenances are placed into service. If record drawings are not provided within the specified time frame, the municipality reserves the right to discontinue service until the drawings are received in proper order.
      (2)   Record drawings shall be reproducible, good quality polyester film, or Autocad diskette compatible with municipality’s computer system. Record drawings shall include water main lengths, location of water main at maximum 100 feet intervals from back of curb or some other permanent surface object, minimum three tie distances to each valve, distance from centerline of fire hydrants to mains, and similar information to permanently record the location of all facilities. Service line and water meter pit locations shall also be identified.
(1978 Code, § 16.32.340)
   (BB)   Tap-on fees and service connections. The subdivider/developer shall pay tap-on fees for water main services and provide service installations (meters, service lines, and the like) as required by § 50.007(A).
(1978 Code, § 16.32.350)
(Ord. 96-12, passed - -1996)