Applications for all land divisions shall meet the following standards prior to approval.
   (A)   All resulting parcels created by a division, including the remainder of the parent parcel, shall comply with Township zoning ordinance requirements for minimum lot area, width, frontage and width to depth ratio.
   (B)   Public or private road rights-of-way and/or easements shall not be included in calculations for determining lot area or width.
   (C)   The layout and design of land divisions and lot splits shall demonstrate that any future divisions will be logical and promote sound community planning and design.
   (D)   Divisions shall be designed to facilitate provision of emergency services and logical extensions of future public utilities.
   (E)   Divisions shall be designed to reduce the need for excessive numbers of driveways onto adjacent roads.
   (F)   Minimum lot width shall be measured from the edge of the existing right-of-way or easement of the public or private road.
   (G)   Corner parcels shall be least 20% wider than the minimum lot width required in the zoning ordinance.
   (H)   No parcel shall require driveway lengths in excess of 600 feet.
   (I)   Adjoining lots shall not have a front yard to rear yard relationship, where houses on the same side of the same street are situated behind one another.
   (J)   The proposed division is in compliance with Public Act 591 of 1996, being M.C.L.A. §§ 560.101 et seq., the Land Division Act, as amended.
   (K)   Where a private road is proposed, said road is in conformance with §§ 91.01 through 91.06 and has been approved by the Township Board after recommendation by the Planning Commission.
   (L)   Adequate easements for public utilities from the parcel to existing public utility facilities are provided.
   (M)   The parent parcel and resulting parcels do not include any parcels or lots within a condominium development approved by the township.
   (N)   If the proposed division creates resulting parcels that are less than the minimum lot area or size required by Public Act 591 of 1996, being M.C.L.A. §§ 560.101 et seq., the Land Division Act, as amended, or the township zoning ordinance, the applicant shall also file with the township a duly executed affidavit, suitable in form for recording with the County Register of Deeds, signed by all persons having a legal or equitable interest in the resulting parcel(s), stating that the resulting parcel(s) will not thereafter be developed or used separately, but only in conjunction with adjoining parcels which, when joined together, shall satisfy the minimum lot area and size requirements of Public Act 591 of 1996, as amended, and the township zoning ordinance.
   (O)   Payment of all taxes due on the parent parcel or parent tract is required.
(Ord. 19, passed 12-10-1997)