151.01 Title
151.02 Purpose
151.03 Definitions
151.04 Division of lots and acreage parcels
151.05 Application requirements and procedures
151.06 Review process
151.07 Divisions not approved by township
151.08 Standards for review
151.09 Time frame for review and approval
151.10 Application for building permits
151.11 Applications involving private roads
151.12 (Reserved)
151.13 (Reserved)
151.14 Relationship to other laws and ordinances
Appendix A: Application for Land Division
Pursuant to the authority and purposes conferred by Public Act 591 of 1996, being M.C.L.A. §§ 560.101 et seq., the Land Division Act, as amended, this chapter provides standards, procedures, rules and regulations related to the division of properties within the township, provides for the relationship of this chapter to other laws and ordinances and provides for the penalties for violation of this chapter.
(Ord. 19, passed 12-10-1997)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. Terms not defined shall have the meaning as set forth in the township zoning ordinance and Public Act 591 of 1996, being M.C.L.A. §§ 560.101 et seq., the Land Division Act.
ACREAGE PARCEL. Any parcel of land which is not within an approved and recorded plat or condominium development.
DIVIDE or DIVISION. The partitioning or splitting of an acreage parcel or tract into two or more parcels for purposes of sale, lease or building development.
LOT. A measured portion of a parcel or tract of land which is described and fixed in a recorded plat.
PARENT PARCEL or PARENT TRACT. An acreage parcel or tract, respectively, lawfully in existence on March 31, 1997.
RESULTING PARCEL. The acreage parcel(s) which result from an approved division.
TRACT. Two or more acreage parcels that share a common property line and are under the same ownership.
(Ord. 19, passed 12-10-1997)