General Provisions
   153.001   Short title
   153.002   Definitions
Zoning Districts and Map
   153.015   Districts
   153.016   Boundaries
   153.017   Zoning of vacated areas
   153.018   District requirements
AG Agricultural District
   153.030   Intent
   153.031   Principal permitted uses
   153.032   Special land uses
   153.033   Accessory structures and uses
   153.034   Development regulations
SF Single-Family Rural Residential District
   153.045   Intent
   153.046   Principal permitted uses
   153.047   Special land uses
   153.048   Accessory structures and uses
   153.049   Development regulations
R-1 Single-Family Rural Residential District
   153.060   Intent
   153.061   Principal permitted uses
   153.062   Special land uses
   153.063   Accessory structures and uses
   153.064   Development regulations
RM Multiple-Family Residential District
   153.075   Intent
   153.076   Principal permitted uses
   153.077   Special land use
   153.078   Accessory structures and uses
   153.079   Development regulations
B-1 Local Business District
   153.090   Intent
   153.091   Principal permitted uses
   153.092   Special land uses
   153.093   Accessory structures and uses
   153.094   Development regulations
B-2 Highway-Oriented Commercial District
   153.105   Intent
   153.106   Principal permitted uses
   153.107   Special land uses
   153.108   Accessory structures and uses
   153.109   Development regulations
RC Recreation Conservation District
   153.120   Intent
   153.121   Principal permitted uses
   153.122   Special land uses
   153.123   Accessory structures and uses
   153.124   Development regulations
LI Light Industrial District
   153.135   Intent
   153.136   Principal permitted uses
   153.137   Special land uses
   153.138   Accessory structures and uses
   153.139   Development regulations
Schedule of District Regulations
   153.150   Height, bulk, density, area, setback and lot coverage by district
   153.151   Single-family cluster design standards
General Regulations
   153.165   Conflicting regulations
   153.166   Scope
   153.167   Nonconforming lots, nonconforming uses of land, nonconforming structures and nonconforming uses of structures and premises
   153.168   Accessory buildings
   153.169   Off-street parking requirements
   153.170   Off-street parking space layout, standards, construction and maintenance
   153.171   Off-street loading and unloading
   153.172   Performance standards
   153.173   Plant materials
   153.174   Signs
   153.175   Exterior lighting
   153.176   Corner clearance
   153.177   Walls
   153.178   Use restriction
   153.179   Erection of more than one principal structure on a lot
   153.180   Site plan review
   153.181   Access requirements
   153.182   Private swimming pools
   153.183   Performance guarantee
   153.184   Basement and/or garage dwelling prohibited
   153.185   Ponds
   153.186   Traffic impact study requirements
   153.187   Standards for condominium subdivision review
   153.188   Temporary trailers
   153.189   Single-family dwelling unit standards
   153.190   On-site use wind systems
   153.191   Keeping of animals
Special Land Use Approval Requirements
   153.205   General requirements and procedures
   153.206   Airports
   153.207   Cemeteries
   153.208   Churches and public buildings
   153.209   Commercial outdoor recreation
   153.210   Disposal areas
   153.211   Golf courses
   153.212   General hospitals
   153.213   Kennels
   153.214   Shooting ranges, gun clubs and large scale gaming preserves
   153.215   Mining and extraction
   153.216   Vehicle convenience stations
   153.217   Group day care homes and group day care facilities
   153.218   Convalescent or rest home, home for the aged
   153.219   Educational institutions
   153.220   Outdoor sales lots
   153.221   Utility and public service facilities
   153.222   Yard waste composting facilities
   153.223   Single-family accessory apartments
   153.224   Vehicle service centers and repair garages
   153.225   Drive-through facilities
   153.226   Hotels and motels
   153.227   Public buildings and uses with outdoor storage yards
   153.228   Salvage/recycling yards
   153.229   Motor freight and truck terminals
   153.230   Wireless communication facilities
   153.231   Outdoor storage yards
   153.232   Central dry cleaning plants
   153.233   Vehicle wash facilities
   153.234   High volume wells or well systems
   153.235   Lumber and planing mills
   153.236   Equestrian stables and riding academies
   153.237   Tool, die, gauge, metal plating and machine shops
   153.238   Agricultural produce processing, transferring and storage facilities
   153.239   Single-family cluster density bonus option
   153.240   Agricultural implement sales and service facilities
   153.241   Private clubs and lodge halls
   153.242   Veterinary clinics
   153.243   Utility grid wind energy systems (wind farms)
   153.244   Mud bogs
   153.245   Home occupation medical marihuana primary caregivers and facilities
   153.246   Solar farms
General Exceptions as to Area, Height and Use
   153.255   Interpretations and exceptions
   153.256   Essential services
   153.257   Voting place
   153.258   Height limit
   153.259   Lot area
   153.260   Yard regulations
   153.261   Residential yard fences
Administration and Enforcement
   153.275   Enforcement
   153.276   Duties of Building Inspector
   153.277   Plot plan
   153.278   Permits
   153.279   Certificates
   153.280   Final inspection
   153.281   Fees
   153.282   Interpretation
   153.283   Planning Commission approval
   153.284   Changes and amendments
   153.285   Fees - petition for amendment
   153.286   Public nuisance per se
   153.287   Liability of owner of building assisting in violation
   153.288   Variance
   153.289   Vested right
Board of Appeals
   153.305   Creation and membership
   153.306   Officers
   153.307   Authority of Zoning Board of Appeals
   153.308   Applications and notices; effect of appeal
   153.309   Meeting and records
   153.310   Disposition; duration of approval; appeal
   153.999   Penalty
   Appendix A: Planning and Zoning Fee Schedule
   Appendix B: Zoning Maps