All applications for proposed divisions of lots or acreage parcels shall be reviewed in conformance with the following process.
(A) Two resulting parcels or lots. If the proposed division will create two resulting parcels, or involves a division and recombination with another adjoining property, the following procedure will be followed.
(1) Applicant submits three copies of the information required in § 151.05 to the Township Clerk.
(2) The Township Clerk forwards copies of all application materials to the Township Assessor, and to the Planner and Engineer, if requested by the Clerk or Assessor.
(3) The Township Clerk and Assessor review the application package for completeness, accuracy and conformance with zoning requirements for lot area, width, frontage and width-to-depth ratio within 45 days.
(4) Any division that does not comply with township zoning requirements for lot area, width, frontage or width-to-depth ratio shall not be approved. Variances from these requirements shall only be granted by the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), which requires a separate application and review fee.
(5) If all required information has been submitted in accordance with § 151.05, and all information and the proposed divisions demonstrate conformance with this chapter, the Clerk and Assessor shall grant approval of the division(s). If the proposed application and division do not comply with this chapter, the application shall be denied. All approvals and denials shall be in writing.
(B) More than two parcels/lots; or if any road is proposed. If the proposed division will create more than two resulting parcels, or requires construction of a road, review and approval by the Planning Commission is required in accordance with the following procedure.
(1) Applicant submits ten copies of the information required in § 151.05 to the Township Clerk at least 21 days prior to the next regular Planning Commission meeting.
(2) Township Clerk forwards copies of application materials to Planning Commission, Township Assessor, Planner and engineer for their review.
(3) Planning Commission, Township Assessor and Planner review application package for completeness, accuracy, conformance with zoning requirements for lot area, width, frontage and width-to-depth ratio.
(4) Divisions that do not comply with township zoning requirements for lot area, width, frontage or width-to-depth ratio shall not be approved. Variances from these requirements shall only be granted by the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), which requires a separate application and review fee.
(5) Upon finding that the proposed divisions meet all applicable ordinance requirements, the Township Planning Commission shall recommend approval of the split. If the proposed application and division does not comply with this chapter, the Planning Commission shall recommend conditional approval or denial. All recommendations for approvals, conditional approvals, and denials shall be in writing.
(6) Following Planning Commission review and recommendation, the Township Clerk and Assessor shall:
(a) Verify that all conditions of Planning Commission approval have been met (if applicable); and
(b) Verify Planning Commission and Township Board approval of any private road(s) proposed in conjunction with the proposed division(s).
(7) The Township Clerk and Assessor shall grant final approval of the proposed division(s) upon verification of the information in division (B)(1) above.
(8) After final approval, the Assessor shall process the proposed division(s), Lands and Graphics will assign and issue new parcel identification number(s), and update taxation and assessment records accordingly.
(Ord. 19, passed 12-10-1997) Penalty, see § 10.99