16.34.070 Development Standards for Off-Street Parking.
Off-street parking areas shall be provided in the following manner:
   A.   Access. Access to off-street parking areas shall be provided in the following manner:
      1.   Parking areas shall provide suitable maneuvering room so that vehicles enter an abutting street in a for-ward direction. Parking lots shall be designed so as to prevent access at any point other than at designated access drives. The director or city engineer may approve exceptions for single-family homes and duplexes;
      2.   Parking spaces shall not be located within twenty (20) feet of an access driveway, measured from the property line, except for single-family homes and duplexes; and
      3.   A minimum unobstructed clearance height of fourteen (14) feet shall be maintained above areas accessible to vehicles.
   B.   Access to Adjacent Sites. Applicants for nonresidential developments are encouraged to provide shared vehicle and pedestrian access to adjacent nonresidential properties for convenience, safety and efficient circulation. A joint access agreement guaranteeing the continued availability of the shared access between the properties and running with the land shall be recorded by the owners of the abutting properties, as approved by the director or city engineer.
   C.   Location. Off-street parking areas shall be located in the following manner:
      1.   Parking spaces shall be accessible by drives and aisles in compliance with Section 16.34.080.
      2.   Required parking shall be located on the same parcel as the uses served, except that parking may be located on a parcel adjacent to the parcel served subject to a recorded covenant running with the land re-corded by the owner of the parking lot guaranteeing that the required parking will be maintained exclusively for the use or activity served.
      3.   Car pool and bicycle spaces shall be located as close as is practical to the entrance(s) to the use they are intended to serve. Spaces shall be situated so that they do not obstruct the flow of pedestrians at en-trances or sidewalks.
   D.   Parking Space Dimensions.
      1.   Residential Uses. Minimum enclosed parking dimensions shall be ten feet in width by twenty (20) feet in length. Multi-family minimum unenclosed parking space dimensions shall be nine feet in width by eighteen (18) feet in length.
      2.   Nonresidential Uses. Minimum parking dimensions shall be as follows:
         a.   The minimum standard parking space dimensions shall be nine feet by eighteen (18) feet.
         b.   Parallel parking spaces shall be eight feet by twenty-two (22) feet.
         c.   The minimum width of parking spaces adjacent to walls, columns, or other vertical obstructions shall be the minimum parking space width plus one foot.
         d.   Every parking space shall maintain a vertical height clearance of seven feet.
Standard Size Parking Space Dimensions
Dimension Indicator
Parking Angle
Standard Size Parking Space Dimensions
Dimension Indicator
Parking Angle
Overall module dimension - one way
Overall module dimension - two way
Width of parking stall
Width of parking stall parallel to island or curb
Length of parking stall
Depth of parking stall to wall or curb
Drive aisle width - one way1
Drive aisle width - two way1
1   Drive aisles are subject to the requirements set forth in Section 16.34.080 and to fire access requirements.
   E.   Drainage.
      1.   Surface water from parking lots shall not drain over sidewalks or adjacent parcels.
      2.   Parking lots shall be designed in compliance with the storm water quality and quantity standards of the city's best management practices.
   F.   Directional Arrows and Signs.
      1.   In parking facilities, parking spaces, aisles, approach lanes and maneuvering areas shall be clearly marked with directional arrows and lines to ensure the safe and efficient flow of vehicles.
      2.   The director may require the installation of the traffic signs in addition to directional arrows to ensure the safe and efficient flow of vehicles in a parking facility.
      3.   The exit from a parking area which provides parking for forty (40) or more vehicles shall be clearly marked with a vehicle "STOP" sign in conformance with the state Highway Manual for uniform traffic control devices.
   G.   Grades of Entrances, Spaces and Driveways.
      1.   Entrance Driveways. Driveways shall not exceed a maximum grade of plus fifteen (15) percent or minus six percent measured along the driveway centerline. Where there is a change in the slope of the driveway, it shall be demonstrated that vehicles will be able to pass over the change in slope without interference with the vehicle's undercarriage.
      2.   Interior Driveways. Ramps or driveways within the interior of a parking area (beyond twenty (20) feet from ultimate right-of-way line) shall have a maximum grade of twenty (20) percent. If a ramp or driveway exceeds ten percent, the design shall include transitions (at each end of the ramp) not less than eight feet in length, having a slope equal to one-half the ramp or driveway slope.
      3.   Parking Spaces. Parking spaces and abutting access aisles shall have a maximum grade of seven per-cent, measured in any direction.
   H.   Landscaping. Landscaping shall be provided in compliance with the following requirements.
      1.   Landscape Plan Required. A comprehensive landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted for re-view and approval by the review authority in compliance with Chapter 16.28 (Landscaping Standards).
      2.   Landscape Materials. Landscaping materials shall be provided throughout the parking lot area using a combination of trees, shrubs and ground cover. Drought-tolerant landscape materials shall be emphasized in compliance with Chapter 16.28 (Landscaping Standards).
      3.   Curbing, Irrigation. Areas containing plant materials shall be bordered by a concrete curb at least six inches high and six inches wide, and provided with an automatic irrigation system. Alternative barrier designs may be approved by the director. End stalls adjacent to parking spaces or other obstructions shall incorporate an additional curbing width of six inches.
      4.   Location of Landscaping. Parking lot landscaping shall be located so that pedestrians are not required to cross landscaped areas to reach building entrances from parked cars. This should be achieved through proper orientation of the landscaped fingers and islands.
      5.   Bumper Overhang Areas. To increase the parking lot landscaped area, a maximum of three feet of the parking stall depth may be landscaped with low-growth, hearty materials in lieu of paving, allowing a three-foot bumper overhang while maintaining the required parking dimensions. The additional landscaped area is considered part of the parking space and shall not be counted towards satisfying parking lot landscaping requirements.
      6.   Perimeter Parking Lot Landscaping.
         a.   Adjacent to Streets. Parking areas adjoining a public street shall be designed to provide a landscaped planting strip between the street right-of-way and parking area of fifteen (15) feet. The landscaping shall be designed and maintained to screen cars from view from the street to a height of between thirty (30) inches and forty-two (42) inches. Screening materials may include a combination of plant materials, earth berms, solid masonry walls, raised planters, or other screening devices that meet the intent of this requirement. Trees shall be provided at a rate of one for every twenty (20) lineal feet of landscaped area. Plant materials, signs, or structures within a traffic safety sight area of a driveway shall not exceed thirty (30) inches in height.
         b.   Adjacent to Side or Rear Property Lines. Parking areas shall provide a perimeter landscaped strip at least five feet wide (inside dimension) where the facility adjoins a side or rear property line. The perimeter landscaped strip may be located within a required setback area. Trees shall be provided at the rate of one for each twenty (20) lineal feet of landscaped area.
         c.   Adjacent to Residential Use. Parking areas for nonresidential uses adjoining residential uses shall provide a landscaped buffer yard with a minimum fifteen (15) foot width between the parking area and the common property line bordering the residential use. A solid masonry wall and landscaping shall be provided along the property line. For each one hundred (100) lineal feet of landscaped area, a minimum of twelve (12) trees and ten shrubs shall be provided.
      7.    Interior Parking Lot Landscaping.
         a.   Amount of Landscaping. Multi-family, commercial, and office uses shall provide landscaping within the parking area at the following ratios:
Parking Spaces Required
% of Total Parking Area to be Landscaped
5-24 spaces
5.0% minimum
25-49 spaces
7.5% minimum
50+ spaces
10.0% minimum
b.   Area of Shading Required. Parking lot landscaping shall include shade trees from an approved list provided by the department. Trees shall be provided so that required shade canopies will be achieved within a minimum of fifteen (15) years. The percentage of parking area required to be shaded shall be as follows:
Parking Spaces Required
Parking Spaces Required to be Shaded
5-24 spaces
30% minimum
25-49 spaces
40% minimum
50+ spaces
50% minimum
All trees within the parking area shall be a minimum of fifteen- (15-) gallon size at planting. Larger trees may be required subject to the review by the director.
         c.   Planters Required. Trees shall be in planters located throughout the parking area. In order to be considered within the parking area, trees shall be located in planters that are bounded on at least three sides by parking area paving. Planters shall have a minimum interior dimension of five feet and be of sufficient size to accommodate tree growth. All ends of parking lanes shall have landscaped islands.
         d.   Larger Projects. Parking lots with more than one hundred (100) spaces shall provide a concentration of landscape elements at primary entrances, including specimen trees, flowering plants, enhanced paving, and project identification.
   I.   Lighting. Parking areas shall have lighting capable of providing adequate illumination for security and safety. Lighting standards shall be energy-efficient and in scale with the height and use of the on-site structure(s). All illumination, including security lighting, shall be directed downward, away from adjacent properties and public rights-of-way in compliance with Section 16.18.100 (Lighting).
   J.   Carports and Garages.
      1.   Carports, Minimum Size. Carports/covered parking, shall consist of a solid roof structure overhang, or combination of both, that completely covers a parking stall with a minimum vertical clearance of eight feet.
      2.   Carports, Visual Requirements.
         a.   Carports shall be screened from public view by structural components or masonry walls at least four feet in height subject to visual clearance requirements at driveways.
         b.   Carports adjacent to common property lines shall have solid walls as specified in the Uniform Building Code.
         c.   Carport support columns shall be set back a minimum of three feet from carport face to increase maneuverability
         d.   Carports (including any support structures) shall incorporate the same trim materials (example: decorative wrap), roofing materials, and color palette as the nearest building to the proposed carport structure.
         e.   At residential locations, carports may be incorporated into patio walls and used to define common and private open space as contained within the boundaries of the project site. Incorporating carports into exterior project walls adjacent to streets is prohibited.
      3.   Carports, Storage Space Required.(For Residential Uses) Lockable storage space of at least ninety (90) cubic feet shall be provided for each parking stall in a carport and shall be designed and maintained so as to not obstruct vehicle access to the required parking space.
      4.   Garages, Minimum Size. Garages shall be completely enclosed on four sides and have a solid roof. The minimum interior dimensions shall be twenty (20) feet in width by twenty (20) feet in length for a two-car garage.
   K.   Shopping Cart Storage. Parking facilities shall contain shopping cart storage areas for appropriate uses (e.g., supermarkets, drugstores, etc.). The number, dimensions and locations of storage areas shall be deter-mined by the director.
   L.   Striping and Identification.
      1.   Vehicular. Parking spaces shall be clearly outlined with four-inch wide lines painted on the surface of the parking facility. Compact and car pool spaces shall be clearly identified for compact vehicle and car pool usage respectively.
      2.   Disabled. Parking spaces for the disabled shall be striped and marked according to the applicable state standards.
   M.   Surfacing.
      1.   Vehicular. Parking spaces and maneuvering areas shall be paved and permanently maintained with asphalt, concrete or other all-weather surfacing approved by the director or city engineer.
      2.   Motorcycle. Motorcycle parking areas shall be paved with concrete or equivalent all-weather surfacing approved by the director or city engineer.
      3.   Bicycle. Bicycle parking areas shall be surfaced so as to keep the area in a dust-free condition, subject to the approval of the director.
   N.   Wheel Stops/Curbing. Continuous concrete curbing at least six inches high and six inches wide shall be provided for parking spaces located adjacent to fences, walls, property lines, landscaped areas, and structures. Individual wheel stops may be provided in lieu of continuous curbing when the parking is adjacent to a landscaped area, and the drainage is directed to the landscaped area subject to the approval of the director. Wheel stops shall be placed to allow for two feet of vehicle overhang area within the dimension of the parking space.
(Ord. 556 § 13, 2020; Ord. 544 § 9, 2019; Ord. 388 § 7, 2007; Ord. 343 § 4 (part), 2005; Ord. 293 § 1 (part), 2004; Ord. 182 § 2 (part), 1997)