12.20.020 Definitions.
   For the purpose of carrying out the intent of this chapter, words, phrases and terms used in this chapter shall have the ordinary meaning, unless otherwise indicated as follows:
      1.   "Department" means the city of Murrieta community services department.
      2.   "Director" means the director of community services or his/her designee.
      3.   "Public skate park facility" means any facility, structure or area in which skateboarding, in-line skating and roller skating is permitted pursuant to the provision of this chapter, which is owned, operated and maintained by the city, and which has been designated as a "public skate park facility" by resolution of the city council.
      4.   "Roller skates or in-line skates," including roller blades means any shoe, boot or other footwear to which one or more wheels are attached.
      5.   "Skateboard" means any platform of any composition or size to which two or more wheels are attached and which is intended to be ridden or propelled by one or more persons standing or kneeling upon it and to which there is not affixed any seat or any other device or mechanism to turn and control the wheels.
(Ord. 262 § 4, 2002)
12.20.030 Hours of operation.
   Public skate park facilities hours of operation shall be posted and may vary according to the time of the year, or as otherwise posted by the director. It is unlawful for any person to use or remain in such facilities in violation of this section without written consent of the department.
(Ord. 262 § 5, 2002)
12.20.040 Prohibited conduct.
   With respect to public skate park facilities, and in addition to any state law or local ordinance, it is unlawful for any person to do any of the acts specified below:
   A.   Prohibited Uses. It is unlawful to ride or use any item other than roller skates, in-line skates, or skateboards, including but not limited to, bicycles, unicycles, go-carts, and wagons on the skating surface of any public skate park facility, or to cause such items to be ridden or used on the skating surface of any public skate park facility.
   B.   Alcohol. It is unlawful to possess any can, bottle or other receptacle containing any alcoholic beverage (as the term, “alcoholic beverage” is defined by California Business and Professions Code Section 24004) which has been opened, has a seal broken, or the contents of which have been partially removed or placed into any other container.
   C.   Graffiti. It is unlawful to allow or cause graffiti or tagging in, on, or around any part of the skate park facility.
   D.   Reckless Operation. It is unlawful to ride or use roller skates, in-line skates or skateboards at a public skate park facility in a reckless manner or with willful disregard for the safety of persons or property, or to cause such items to be ridden or used in such a manner.
   E.   Refuse. It is unlawful to deposit or leave garbage, cans, bottles, papers, waste or refuse of any kind in a location other than a receptacle provided for such purpose, or to cause such items to be deposited or left in such a manner. If no receptacle is provided, each person shall be responsible for removing and disposing of such items in an appropriate manner.
   F.   Animals. It is unlawful to allow or cause any animal of any kind to be brought into any public skate park facility.
   G.   Glass Containers. It is unlawful to allow or cause glass containers of any kind to be brought into any public skate park facility.
   H.   Drugs/Narcotics. It is unlawful to possess, use, sell or otherwise introduce into the park grounds, any illicit or illegal drug, narcotic or derivative or any drug-related paraphernalia.
(Ord. 262 § 6, 2002)
12.20.050 Liability.
   The use of any public skate park facility shall be deemed a hazardous recreation activity within the meaning of Section 831.7 of the Government Code. The city may not be held liable for injuries incurred by persons who participate in any such hazardous recreation activity as set forth thereto.
(Ord. 262 § 7, 2002)
12.20.060 Protective gear--Regulations.
   Any person utilizing a public skate park facility must wear a helmet, elbow pads and kneepads. All such gear must be functional, protective, properly sized and designed for their intended use at the skate park facility. An adult must supervise every person using the skate park facility who is under the age of fourteen. The director may set forth any other rules and regulations for the use of a public skate park facility which he/she deems appropriate, provided that signs describing such rules and regulations are placed and posted pursuant to Section 12.20.070.
(Ord. 262 § 8, 2002)
12.20.070 Signage and posting requirements.
   In order to provide reasonable notice to the public, the director shall place and post signs in one or more conspicuous and visible area/s of the skate park facility designating the facility, structure or area as a public skate park facility, specifying the rules and regulations established pursuant to Section 12.20.060, and prohibiting the activities described in this chapter. The signs required that are pursuant to this section should cite the respective code section being invoked.
(Ord. 262 § 9, 2002)
12.20.080 Enforcement.
   The director, or his/her designee, shall have the authority to eject and expel any person who is in violation of this chapter. Any person failing to comply with the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to citation pursuant to Chapter 1.32 or other applicable enforcement authority available to the city.
(Ord. 262 § 10, 2002)