Chapter 12.20
   12.20.010   Purpose.
   12.20.020   Definitions.
   12.20.030   Hours of operation.
   12.20.040   Prohibited conduct.
   12.20.050   Liability.
   12.20.060   Protective gear--Regulations.
   12.20.070   Signage and posting requirements.
   12.20.080   Enforcement.
   12.20.090   Written rules and regulations by department--Posting.
   12.20.100   Violations or rules, regulations and orders.
   12.20.110   Public may be excluded.
12.20.010 Purpose.
   The purpose of this chapter is to establish a comprehensive set of rules and regulations for the use of public skate park facilities in the city. Notwithstanding to the extent that there are inconsistencies with other provisions of Title 12 of this code, this chapter shall prevail with regard to the use of public skate park facilities in the city.
(Ord. 262 § 3, 2002)
12.20.020 Definitions.
   For the purpose of carrying out the intent of this chapter, words, phrases and terms used in this chapter shall have the ordinary meaning, unless otherwise indicated as follows:
      1.   "Department" means the city of Murrieta community services department.
      2.   "Director" means the director of community services or his/her designee.
      3.   "Public skate park facility" means any facility, structure or area in which skateboarding, in-line skating and roller skating is permitted pursuant to the provision of this chapter, which is owned, operated and maintained by the city, and which has been designated as a "public skate park facility" by resolution of the city council.
      4.   "Roller skates or in-line skates," including roller blades means any shoe, boot or other footwear to which one or more wheels are attached.
      5.   "Skateboard" means any platform of any composition or size to which two or more wheels are attached and which is intended to be ridden or propelled by one or more persons standing or kneeling upon it and to which there is not affixed any seat or any other device or mechanism to turn and control the wheels.
(Ord. 262 § 4, 2002)