12.20.090 Written rules and regulations by department--Posting.
   A.   The department director is authorized to promulgate all rules and regulations necessary to implement the provision of this chapter and to control and regulate activities by the public in the park or portion/s thereof in the interest of public health, safety and welfare, the rules and regulations to be subject to the prior approval of the city manager.
   B.   Every person shall comply with all written rules and regulations promulgated by the department's director, pursuant to this chapter, and these rules and regulations shall be conspicuously posted on bulletin boards or posts adjacent to the skate park/s.
(Ord. 262 § 11, 2002)
12.20.100 Violations or rules, regulations and orders.
   A.   No person shall disobey any written instruction, rule, regulation or notice, which is properly posted by the department in the skate park or portion
thereof, for the control, management or direction of such skate park, or portion thereof.
   B.   No person shall willfully refuse to follow or comply with any lawful order or direction of any department employee.
(Ord. 262 § 12, 2002)
12.20.110 Public may be excluded.
   In an emergency or when director determines that the public interest, public health, public morals or public safety demands such action, the skate park may be closed to the public and all persons may be excluded therefrom until such emergency or other reason upon which such determination of the director is based has ceased. Upon the cessation thereof, the skate park so closed shall be reopened to the public by the director.
(Ord. 262 § 13, 2002)