Whenever a business may reasonably be classified under two or more separate categories established by the city council, with differing bases for fee computation, the fee shall be computed using the basis which will result in the highest fee.
(Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 5.02.023)
Persons required to pay a license fee for transacting and carrying on any business under this chapter shall not be relieved from the payment of any fees for the privilege of carrying on any similar or related activity required under any other ordinance of the city and shall remain subject to the regulatory provisions of other ordinances and laws.
(Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 5.02.025)
The business license officer may refer to any governmental agency any statement and all other information submitted by persons subject to the provisions of this chapter in connection with the conduct of a business regulated or supervised or otherwise the concern of any such agency, including agencies concerned with health regulations, zoning conformance, fire safety, police considerations, or any other safeguard of the public interest. Failure to comply with conditions required by other agency review shall result in revocation of the license once granted.
(Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 5.02.027)
A. Certain business practices have historically been subject to abuse by certain unscrupulous practioners and convicted criminals using the practice to commit fraud, larceny and other criminal acts upon clients. It is the purpose of this section to regulate the practice in such a manner as to reduce the risk of fraud and larceny to clients, while allowing businesses to provide their services to clients with only minimal restrictions.
B. The chief of police has the discretion to require police background checks for certain business practices. The fee for this background check will be established by the city council and set by resolution.
C. Upon filing of the business license application and payment of the applicable fees, the police department will investigate, report and recommend approval of the license. The investigation shall be conducted to verify the facts contained in the application and any supporting data. The investigation shall be completed and a report and recommendation made in writing to the business license officer within thirty (30) days after the filing of the application and contacting the Murrieta police department support division supervisor for a background investigation interview, unless the applicant requests or consents to an extension of the time period. If the report recommends denial of the permit to the applicant, the grounds for the recommended denial shall be set forth therein.
(Ord. 279 § 2 (part), 2003)
A. Initial business license fees are due and payable prior to issuance of the license for which application is made. The fee for the business license application and for new licenses shall be established by resolution of the city council. The payment of such fees shall not in any way constitute a right or permission to begin the operations of said business.
B. Unless otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, all fees for renewal of a business license under the provisions of this chapter shall be due and payable on the day of the anniversary date on which the license expired. The annual license fee shall become delinquent on the thirtieth day after the due date.
(Ord. 279 § 1 (part), 2003; Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 5.02.031)
A. For failure to pay a gross receipts license fee by five p.m. on the day due, the business license officer shall add a penalty of twenty-five (25) percent of the license fee on the day following the due date thereof, plus interest at the rate of one and one-half percent per month from the due date until paid.
B. Any flat-rate license fee which has not been paid by five p.m. on the day due shall have added to the amount thereof a penalty of twenty-five (25) percent, plus interest at the rate of one and one-half percent per month from the due date until paid.
C. Any daily license fee which has not been paid by five p.m. on the day due shall have added the amount thereof a penalty of twenty-five (25) percent, plus interest at the rate of one percent per additional day of delinquency thereafter.
D. If any person has failed to apply for and secure a valid license to operate a business, the business license fee due shall be that amount due and payable from the first date on which the person was employed in business in the city, together with applicable penalties and interest.
E. Where an audit or inspection of the books or records of a business reveals that the amount of license fee paid for any license period is less than the amount which was actually due pursuant to this chapter, it shall be deemed for the purposes of this section that, to the extent of such deficiency, there was a failure to pay a license fee when due. Penalties and interest as provided in this section shall be assessed from the date when the deficiency should have been paid pursuant to this chapter.
F. Should court action be required to collect any license fee or penalties or interest, an additional penalty shall be charged equal to costs of suit, including reasonable attorneys' fees. Such penalty shall be added to the license fee and shall become due and payable as of the date of final judgment in such action.
G. Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter or knowingly or intentionally misrepresenting to any officer or employee of the city any material fact in procuring a license provided for in this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Ord. 279 § 1 (part), 2003; Ord. 3 § 1 (part), 1991: prior code § 5.02.033)