1.08.010 County ordinances adopted by reference.
1.08.020 Primary and secondary codes adopted by reference.
1.08.030 Inspection of codes.
1.08.040 Effect of other city ordinances.
1.08.050 Violation--Penalties.
1.08.060 County enactments to remain in effect.
1.08.070 Declaration of intent.
1.08.080 Substitution of appropriate reference to city.
1.08.090 Enforcement of continuing county ordinances.
1.08.100 Declaration of facts constituting urgency.
The county ordinances and codes described in Exhibit "A" attached to the ordinance codified in this chapter, available in the office of the city clerk and incorporated in this chapter by this reference, are adopted by reference as ordinances of the city.
(Ord. 15 § 1, 1991)