6.16.010: Dog And Cat Licensing
6.16.015: Regulation Of Dogs And Cats/Limitations
6.16.020: License Tag
6.16.030: Licensing; Exemptions
6.16.040: Revocation Of License
6.16.050: Female Animal In Heat
6.16.060: Keeping Animals At Campgrounds And Travel Trailer Parks
6.16.070: Sale Of Dogs, Cats, And Rabbits At Commercial Animal Establishments
   A.   License Required: All dogs and cats over the age of four (4) months must be licensed each year to a person eighteen (18) years of age or older, except as otherwise provided herein.
   B.   Time Limits: Any person owning, possessing or harboring any dog or cat shall obtain a license for that animal within thirty (30) days after the animal reaches the age of four (4) months or within ten (10) days of the acquisition of the animal, whichever date is sooner.
   C.   License Applications: License applications must be submitted annually to the City, utilizing a standard form which requests name, address and telephone number of the applicant; breed, sex, color and age of the animal; and rabies information. The application shall be accompanied by the prescribed license fee and by a current rabies vaccination certificate. Rabies vaccinations shall be given by a licensed veterinarian as often as is required to maintain the animal in a current rabies vaccination status.
   D.   Nuisance Fee:
Nuisance animal fee
$100.00 plus proof of liability insurance
      1.   The nuisance animal license fee shall be imposed in addition to any other fee imposed by this chapter and shall be paid within thirty (30) days from the date of conviction involving a violation of section 6.12.070 of this title. This fee requirement will expire one year after issuance if the animal is shown to have not committed another violation of section 6.12.070 of this title.
      2.   Within thirty (30) days after date of conviction of possessing a nuisance animal, the owner shall provide to the City proof of liability insurance in an amount of not less than twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) to cover injuries which may be inflicted by a nuisance animal.
      3.   Failure to pay the nuisance fee or provide proof of liability insurance shall be grounds for impoundment of the nuisance animal until such fee is paid and proof of insurance is provided. The owner of the animal shall be responsible for the payment of all fees incurred as a result of the impoundment.
   E.   Expiration: The license shall expire one year from the date of issue.
(Ord. 20-23: Ord. 17-15)
   A.   The total number of dogs and cats that may be owned, harbored, licensed and maintained by any person at any one property or residence of the City shall not exceed four (4), in any combination (i.e., the maximum combined total is four (4) animals), except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
   B.   In accordance with State law, a person shall be allowed to keep a police service canine, a retired police service canine, or both in addition to the limits set forth in subsection A.
   C.   An animal foster provider is exempt from the limitation imposed pursuant to subsection A provided that all dogs and cats are properly cared for and do not become a nuisance as defined in section 6.12.090 of this chapter.
   D.   A person may harbor no more than one litter of animals (puppies or kittens) in any one calendar year. If the litter exceeds the limitation imposed pursuant to subsection A, the person will have eight (8) weeks from the day the litter was born to reduce the number of animals to comply with subsection A.
(Ord. 20-28: Ord. 17-15)
6.16.020: LICENSE TAG:
   A.   Upon payment of the license fee, the City shall issue to the owner a certificate and a tag for each animal licensed. The tag shall have stamped thereon the license number corresponding with the tag number on the certificate. The owner shall attach the tag to the collar or harness for the animal and see that the collar and tag are constantly worn. Failure to attach the tag as provided shall be a violation of this chapter, except that animals which are kept for exhibition purposes are exempt from wearing the collar and tag during exhibition.
   B.   License tags are not transferable. Refund of a license fee is not allowed for any reason whatsoever. Replacements for lost or destroyed tags shall be issued upon payment of the required replacement tag fee.
   C.   No person, other than a licensed veterinarian or a City designee who removes such for medical and other reasons, may remove or cause the removal of the collar, harness or tag from any licensed animal without the consent of the owner or keeper thereof.
(Ord. 20-23: Ord. 17-15)