(A)   Any structure addressed or required to be addressed within the city limits of Murray shall be numbered as follows:
      (1)   Streets north of Main Street. Odd numbers shall be on the west and south side of the street. Even numbers shall be on the east and north side of the street.
      (2)   Streets south of Main Street. Odd numbers shall be on the east and south side of the street. Even numbers shall be on the west and north side of the street.
      (3)   On all streets running in a northerly and southerly direction, the numbering shall commence with number 100 at Main, and shall increase north and south at the rate of one 100 numbers for each block, as near as the ranging series of streets will admit. Thus, Main and all the streets running parallel therewith and their continuations east and west shall be rectified lines of uniformity in numbering north and south.
      (4)   On all streets running in an easterly and westerly direction, the numbering shall commence with 1200 at 12th Street (Hwy 641) and shall increase to the west and decrease to the east at the rate of 100 numbers for each block, as the ranging series of streets will admit. Thus, 12th Street (Hwy 641) and all the streets parallel therewith and their continuations north and south shall be rectified lines of uniformity in numbering east and west.
      (5)   The general rule shall be that 100 numbers shall represent each block going north and south from Main Street, and the like number for each block going east and west of 12th Street (Hwy 641), and one number shall be allowed for each seventy-five feet of ground or fractional part thereof unless otherwise approved by the Murray Planning Commission.
   (B)   See § 97.05 (B) and (D) for guidance on assignment and placement of numbers by the Murray Planning Department.
   (C)   See Property Management Code § 304.3 Premises Identification, for guidance on address numbers and placement.
(Ord. 2019-1781, passed 8-22-19)