Planned Development Districts
1107.01    Purpose.
1107.02    Scope and applicability.
1107.03    PD review process.
1107.04    Review criteria.
1107.05    Permitted uses.
1107.06    Development standards.
1107.01 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of the Planned Development (PD) District is to provide a means for encouraging ingenuity, imagination and flexibility in the planning and designing of medium and large-scale developments where traditional base zoning districts may be too restrictive for the range of proposed uses or design. The PD regulations provide a controlled flexibility by utilizing objectives and performance standards rather than rigid design requirements, the intent being to encourage developments that possess greater amenities and/or provide greater environmental protection than standard zoning district requirements. It is not the intent of the PD to allow applications to circumvent the intent of this code or to permit residential density, uses, housing types, or street and utility layouts which conflict with plans and policies adopted by the City, or the character of the area. It is furthermore the purpose of the PD regulations to:
   (a)   To provide more desirable living, shopping, and working environments by helping to achieve the goals of the City's plans in a manner that allows for the comprehensive review of a medium to large-scale development;
   (b)   To encourage creative and high-quality developments that are compatible with surrounding land uses, achieve a high degree of pedestrian-vehicular separation, and contribute to the overall quality of Mount Vernon;
   (c)   To provide for a flexible arrangement of buildings, densities and a variety of housing types to meet the needs of the residential market;
   (d)   To encourage the creation of open space and the development of recreational facilities and neighborhood commercial facilities in a generally central location within reasonable distance of any residential components of the development;
   (e)   To promote a harmonious design amongst the various elements and uses within the development while mitigating any potential negative impact on surrounding properties;
   (f)   To allow phased construction with the knowledge that subsequent phases shall be approved as originally planned and approved by the City;
   (g)   To ensure that there are adequate services and infrastructure to serve the proposed development; and
   (h)   To reserve adequate land areas for schools, parks and other public uses.
      (Ord. 2024-032. Passed 7-22-24.)
   (a)   The intent of the PD regulations is to provide a means for applying comprehensive and flexible planning and design techniques on properties substantially sized to accommodate such a plan. As such, the minimum size of any PD project or plan shall be twenty (20) acres. PD proposals should not be applied to small areas as a means of bypassing traditional district regulations.
   (b)   An application for a PD of less than twenty (20) acres may be authorized by the MPC if the MPC finds that the PD will:
      (1)   Contain a residential density that exceeds eight (8) units per acre;
      (2)   Contain a mixture of land uses where a minimum of thirty percent (30%) of the project area will contain nonresidential uses; or
      (3)   Contain a mixture of uses and will be located adjacent to the CB District or within 1,000 feet of the CB District, as measured along a legal walking route.
   (c)   Any PD approved and constructed prior to the effective date of this amendment shall carry forward with the approved plans. All future construction or changes in previously approved PDs shall comply with the applicable approved plan unless a modification is required, in which case, the modification shall be reviewed in accordance with this chapter.
(Ord. 2024-032. Passed 7-22-24.)