Chap. 703. Amusement Places.
Chap. 713. Billiards, Pool and Bowling.
Chap. 726. Abatement of Unauthorized Spills or Discharges.
Chap. 743. Going Out of Business Sales.
Chap. 747. Mechanical Amusement Devices.
Chap. 753. Solicitors, Canvassers and Peddlers.
Chap. 755. Solid Waste Haulers.
Chap. 763. Taxicabs.
Chap. 773. Taxicab Drivers.
Chap. 783. Trailers and Trailer Camps.
703.01 License required; fee.
703.02 License application.
703.03 License regulations.
703.99 Penalty.
Power to license shows and exhibitions - see Ohio R. C. 715.48, 715.63, 3765.02
Contests or games at county fairs - see Ohio R. C. 1711.09, 1711.11
State licensing of portable amusement devices - see Ohio R .C. 1711.11(H); OAC 901-11-01
Safety inspectors of portable amusement devices - see OAC 901-11-03
No person shall conduct any permanent, temporary or itinerant form of amusement such as theatrical exhibitions, public shows or performances or carnivals for which money or other reward is demanded or received, unless he shall first obtain a license and shall pay therefor the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per day; provided, however, that this requirement for licensing shall not apply to entertainments, exhibitions and shows conducted by schools, civic, churches or patriotic organizations; and provided further, that the requirements of this section shall not apply to exhibitions otherwise specifically regulated and licensed by ordinance now effective or which may hereafter become effective. Athletic games and moving picture shows shall not be included among the enterprises requiring a license under the provisions of this section.
(Ord. 1960-32. Passed 11-7-60.)
Every person desiring to continue to conduct or hereafter begin to conduct any amusement at any permanent or temporary place of amusement or any itinerant form of amusement shall file an application for a permanent, temporary, or itinerant form of amusement license, as the case may be, with the Mayor. Upon approval of the application by the Mayor, he shall forthwith issue the license upon the payment of the required fee.
(Ord. 1960-32. Passed 11-7-60.)