The purpose of this chapter is to set out the individual purpose statements for each of the City's zoning districts as well as the list of uses that are allowed within each zoning district. The uses are either allowed or prohibited, and where they are allowed, they may be permitted, permitted with additional standards, or conditionally permitted with additional review. Finally, this chapter includes use-specific standards for a variety of uses that apply to those uses alone in addition to all other applicable standards of this code.
(Ord. 2024-032. Passed 7-22-24.)
(a) Districts Established.
(1) The City hereby establishes the zoning districts in Table 1104-1 to carry out the purposes of this code and to assist in the implementation of plans and policies adopted by the City. All such regulations are uniform for each class or kind of building, structure, or use throughout each individual district.
Abbreviation | District Name |
Residential Base Zoning Districts | |
RR | Rural Residential District |
ER | Estate Residential District |
R-1 | Single-Family Residentail District |
R-1A | Core Residential District |
R-2 | Single- and Two-Family Residential District |
R-3 | Attached Residential District |
R-4 | Mixed Residential District |
R-MH | Manufactured Home Park District |
Nonresidential Base Zoning Districts | |
NC | Neighborhood Commercial District |
CB | Central Business District |
GB | General Business District |
OB | Office Business District |
LI | Light Industrial District |
GI | General Industrial District |
PI | Public and Institutional District |
Special Base Zoning District | |
PD | Planned Development District |
Overlay Zoning Districts | |
FDPO | Flood Damage Prevention Overlay District |
HO | Historic Overlay District |
(2) Whenever the abbreviated terms such as R-1, R-MH, NC, GB, etc. are used in the code, they shall be construed as referring to their corresponding district name.
(b) Overlay Zoning Districts.
(1) Some areas of the City may be divided into overlay zoning districts as established in Table 1104-1.
(2) As the name implies, overlay zoning districts are "overlaid" on top of base zoning districts where both districts affect the use of lots subject to those districts.
(3) Where land is classified into an overlay zoning district as well as a base zoning district, the regulations governing development in the overlay district shall apply in addition to the regulations governing the underlying base district. In the event of an expressed conflict between the standards of the overlay zoning district and the base zoning district, the standards governing the overlay district shall control.
(c) References to Previous Zoning Districts. Some of the district classifications and names established within this code differ from previous versions of this code. Table 1104-2 identifies how each of the previous district classifications were renamed in this code. This table shall be used for comparison purposes only.
Zoning Districts in the Planning and Zoning Code Effective Prior to July 22, 2024 | Zoning Districts in the Planning and Zoning Code Effective July 22, 2024 |
RR: Rural Residential District | RR: Rural Residential District |
ER: Estate Residential District | ER: Estate Residential District |
R-1: Single-Family District | R-1: Single-Family Residential District |
R-1A: Core Residential District | |
R-2 Single and Two-Family District | R-2 Single- and Two-Family Residential District |
R-3: Multi-Family District | R-3: Attached Residential District |
No Existing District | R-4: Mixed Residential District |
R-MH: Manufactured Home Park District | R-MH: Manufactured Home Park District |
NC: Neighborhood Commercial District | NC: Neighborhood Commercial District |
CB: Central Business District | CB: Central Business District |
TOC: Traffic-Oriented Commercial District | GB: General Business District |
GB: General Business District | |
O/I: Office-Institutional District | OB: Office Business District |
M-1A: Light Industrial District | LI: Light Industrial District |
M-1: Manufacturing District | GI: General Industrial District |
P-1: Public, Semi-Public District | PI: Public and Institutional District |
Special Districts | District Eliminated |
FDPD: Flood Damage Prevention District | FDPO: Flood Damage Prevention Overlay District |
Historical District | HO: Historic Overlay District |
PND: Planned Neighborhood District | PD: Planned Development District |
PCDD: Planned Commercial Development District | |
(Ord. 2024-032. Passed 7-22-24.)