In addition to the overall purpose of this code, as established in Section 1101.01, the following are the purpose statements for the individual base zoning districts in the City of Mount Vernon. The purpose statements for overlay districts are established in Chapter 1106: Overlay Zoning Districts and the purpose statements for Planned Developments (PDs) are established in Chapter 1107: Planned Development Districts.
(a) Residential Districts (RR, ER, R-1, R-1A, R-2, R-3, R-4, and R-MH). Residential districts and their regulations are established in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
(1) Provide uniform regulations for residential uses in conformance with the overall purposes of this code;
(2) Encourage the development of a wide range of housing type and affordability options to accommodate all residents;
(3) Regulate the density and distribution of population in accordance with the objectives of the City of Mount Vernon's adopted plans to avoid congestion and to maintain adequate services;
(4) Provide for the proper location of residential dwellings in proximity to community and shopping facilities so as to increase the general convenience, safety, and amenities in the area;
(5) Provide protection from noxious fumes, odors, dust, excessive noises, invasion of abnormal vehicular traffic, and other objectionable influences from other incompatible land uses;
(6) Protect the desirable characteristics of existing residential development to promote neighborhood stability; and
(7) To carry out the following specific purposes:
A. The Rural Residential District (RR) and Estate Residential District (ER) are established to create two districts, with different lot area requirements, that control the indiscriminate infiltration of urban development into rural areas that are not equipped to provide necessary public services or do not have sufficient roadways to carry increased traffic loads. This district designation will often be used as a transitional designation for newly annexed rural land until such a time as services can be provided for appropriate development.
B. The Single-Family Residential District (R-1) is established to encourage the creation and preservation of moderate-density single-family residential neighborhoods and to limit the establishment of nonresidential uses to those that are compatible with the intended neighborhood character. The stipulated density is intended to provide for areas of suburban character in the community that may also include limited public and institutional uses that serve the neighborhoods.
C. The Core Residential District (R-1A) is established to encourage the creation and preservation of higher-density single-family residential neighborhoods that were platted early in the City's history and are reflective of smaller, urban lots surrounding the central areas of the city. The stipulated density is intended to provide for areas of urban character in the community that may also include limited public and institutional uses that serve the neighborhoods.
D. The Single- and Two-Family Residential District (R-2) is intended to provide for and encourage the orderly development of single-family and two-family residences and customary supporting public and institutional uses.
E. The Attached Residential District (R-3) is intended to provide for and encourage orderly medium-density residential development in the form of multiple family housing or as a mixture of different housing types. The stipulated density is intended to provide for areas of suburban character in the community that may also include limited public and institutional uses that serve the neighborhoods.
F. The Mixed Residential District (R-4) is intended to provide for and encourage orderly higher-density residential development in the form of multiple family housing or as a mixture of different housing types. It is specifically the purpose of this district to encourage higher density development around downtown and the general business areas where they can provide support for local businesses and also serve as transitional areas to lower-intensity uses. The stipulated density is intended to provide for areas of suburban character in the community that may also include limited public and institutional uses that serve the neighborhoods.
G. The Manufactured Home Park District (R-MH) is intended to provide for the continuance and maintenance of manufactured home parks that existed prior to the effective date of this code.
(b) Business and Commercial Districts (NC, CB, GB, and OB). The business and commercial zoning district regulations are established in order to achieve, among other things, the following purposes:
(1) To provide in appropriate and convenient locations of sufficient size for the exchange of goods and services;
(2) To protect residential neighborhoods adjacent to business uses by regulating the types of establishments, particularly at the common boundaries, that would create congestion, noise or other objectionable influences;
(3) To promote the most desirable and beneficial use of the land in accordance with the objectives of the City of Mount Vernon's adopted plans; and
(4) To carry out the following specific purposes:
A. The Neighborhood Commercial District (NC) is established to create a district that permits a wide variety of small-scale retail, office, and service establishments with development standards that ensure that development is compatible with adjacent land uses that create a more pedestrian-oriented environment. It is furthermore the purpose of this district to encourage and provide for the orderly development of neighborhood shopping facilities serving the regular day-to-day convenience shopping and personal service needs of nearby residents.
B. The Central Business District (CB) is established to provide a central business district that preserves, maintains and promotes Downtown Mount Vernon as a core area for retail sales and to promote and enhance the existing historic, compact pedestrian orientation of the downtown by permitting buildings to be close to the street and to one another. This district is intended for a variety of businesses, institutional, public, quasi-public, cultural, and other related uses to provide the mix of activities necessary to establish a true urban business district.
C. The General Business District (GB) is established to accommodate a broad range of commercial services and activities in locations adequately served by major streets and other facilities and to provide a wide range of goods and services to a large consumer population from the larger regional area. Activities in this district are often large space users.
D. The Office Business District (OB) is established to create an environment conducive to well-located and designed office building sites and to accommodate primarily office and institutional uses, along with some residential uses. This district may also provide a land use transitional area to some residential districts, thus providing protection from more intense business uses or major thoroughfares.
(c) Industrial Districts (LI and GI). The industrial zoning districts are established in order to achieve, among other things, the following purposes:
(1) To promote the most desirable and beneficial use of the land and structures in accordance with the objectives of the City of Mount Vernon's adopted plans;
(2) To provide appropriate and convenient districts of sufficient size to carry on research, manufacturing processes, and distribution activities to serve the community, thereby promoting employment and strengthening the economy of the community;
(3) To improve the manufacturing environment by discouraging unrelated and incompatible uses in such areas, thereby making land more readily available for industry;
(4) To protect adjacent residential districts by restricting types of manufacturing uses nearby to only those which will not create objectionable influences beyond their district boundaries and will be properly buffered and screened;
(5) To protect manufacturing and related development against congestion by requiring setbacks and limiting the bulk and density of development in relation to adjacent buildings and available land and by requiring sufficient off-street parking and loading facilities; and
(6) To carry out the following specific purposes:
A. The specific purpose of the Light Industrial District (LI) is to provide an area for office and industrial uses in areas suitable for such development by reason of location, topography, soil conditions and the availability of adequate utilities and transportation systems. The intent is to permit office and light industrial and warehouse activities that are office-like in physical appearance, service requirements, and operational characteristics; uses that can be carried on wholly within enclosed buildings and subject to those regulations necessary to reduce congestion and for the protection of adjacent residential and business activities. This district also permits accessory retail and service uses to serve as support services for the adjacent office/industrial uses. The uses allowed are those that because of their normally unobjectionable characteristics can be operated in relatively close proximity to residential districts.
B. The specific purpose of the General Industrial District (GI) is to provide for industrial and other uses that by virtue of their external effects, noise, glare, fumes, smoke, dust, odors, truck and/or rail traffic, should be isolated from residential and commercial uses. These uses perform essential functions for the City, including employment, and should be provided for in areas that are best suited for industrial development by reason of location, utilities and transportation systems.
(d) Public and Institutional District (PI). The purpose of the Public and Institutional District is to:
(1) Provide proper zoning classification for government, civic, education, welfare, and recreation facilities in the proper locations and extents so as to promote public health, safety, convenience, comfort, prosperity and general welfare;
(2) Protect public and semi-public facilities and institutions from the encroachment of certain other uses and make such uses compatible with adjoining residential uses; and
(3) Provide an environment for the proper functioning of public facilities in relation to the adopted plans for community facilities.
(Ord. 2024-032. Passed 7-22-24.)
(a) As stated, the purpose of R-MH Manufactured Home Park District is to protect existing manufactured home parks within the City and allow for their continuation as a conforming use while prohibiting the creation of new manufactured home parks. Manufactured housing will continue to be allowed in Mount Vernon when they meet the requirements of permanently sited manufactured homes within this chapter.
(b) After the effective date of this code, no new R-MH Districts may be established in the City of Mount Vernon.
(c) The following principal uses are permitted in the R-MH District:
(1) Industrialized units;
(2) Manufactured homes;
(3) Mobile homes (not including recreational vehicles or fifth-wheel trailers);
(4) Administrative office uses for leasing, maintenance, or operations of the manufactured homes park; and
(5) Residential community centers for the benefit of residents of the park.
(d) Accessory uses are permitted in accordance with Section 1108.01.
(e) Any modifications to an approved plan for an existing manufactured home park shall be subject to review and approval by the MPC as part of a conditional use review process.
(f) All manufactured home parks shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Ohio Administrative Code, the Ohio Public Health Council, and the Ohio Revised Code.
(Ord. 2024-032. Passed 7-22-24.)