111.01   Meetings of Council.
111.02   Special meetings of Council.
111.03   Emergency special meeting requiring immediate action.
111.04   Place of meeting; matters of great public interest.
111.05   Public notice; specific type of business.
111.06   Minutes of Council meetings.
111.07   All meetings public.
111.08   Standing committees.
111.09   Invocation.
Meetings of public bodies to be open - see Ohio R. C. 121.22
Qualifications, term and election - see Ohio R. C. 731.01 et seq.
Authority over salaries - see Ohio R. C. 731.07, 731.08
Powers and duties - see Ohio R. C. 731.05, 731.43 et seq.
Meetings - see Ohio R. C. 731.44, 731.46
President of Council - see Ohio R. C. 733.07 et seq.
Approval of trailer park in residential district - see BUS. REG. 783.04