Establishment and Purpose of Districts
1158.01   Intent.
1158.02   Residential Districts.
1158.03   RR Rural Residential Districts.
1158.04   R-1 Single Family District.
1158.05   R-2 Single and Two Family District.
1158.06   R-3 Multiple Family District.
1158.07   PND Planned Neighborhood District.
1158.08   Business Districts.
1158.09   NC Neighborhood Commercial District.
1158.10   TOC Traffic-Oriented Commercial District.
1158.11   CB Central Business District.
1158.12   GB General Business District.
1158.13   O/I Office-Institutional District.
1158.14   Manufacturing Districts.
1158.15   M-1 Light Manufacturing District.
1158.16   Special Districts.
1158.17   FDP Flood Damage Prevention District.
1158.18   P-1 Public, Semipublic District.
1158.19   R-MH Manufactured Home Parks.
1158.20   Historical District.
1158.21   PCDD Planned Commercial Development District.
Basis of districts - see Ohio R.C. 713.10
Zoning Map - see P. & Z. Ch. 1157