All developments shall be constructed in accordance with the standards set forth in this chapter. No person shall commence or cause to be commenced any of the following developments within the corporate limits of the village unless a development plan has been approved by the director of community development. Development regulations apply to:
   A.   Any residential development of any parcel of land involving construction of two (2) or more dwelling units.
   B.   Any commercial, industrial, multi-family residential, or institutional development of any parcel of land involving the construction of any new building(s) or structure(s). Exempt from this are auxiliary structures such as garages and storage facilities for an existing building provided that the footprint area of the auxiliary structure does not exceed twenty five percent (25%) (cumulative) of the footprint area of the primary structure(s). Auxiliary structures exempt from the requirements of section 15.402 of this article shall be subject to the requirements of section 15.502 of this chapter.
   C.   Any development involving the expansion by more than twenty five percent (25%) (cumulative) of the footprint of an existing commercial, industrial, multi-family residential, or institutional structure.
   D.   Any new parking lot or parking lot expansion (cumulative) greater than fifty percent (50%) of the original parking lot area, and greater than two thousand (2,000) square feet in area.
   E.   Any existing structure to be converted to condominium ownership as described in section 15.307 of this chapter. (Ord. 5253, 5-21-2002)