Any site improvement as defined in section 15.501 of this article will be required to provide the following:
   A.   Storm water detention for the net increase in impervious surface. Exempt from this requirement shall be improvements consisting of the construction of a single-family home.
   B.   Full right of way improvements including the following:
      1.   Pavement widening as needed.
      2.   Curb and gutter installation as needed.
      3.   Public sidewalk along the public right of way adjacent to the site. This sidewalk must be extended along the entire length of the property, even if the scope of improvements would not otherwise extend that far. The sidewalk must be installed through any asphalt driveways, but may be gapped at existing concrete driveways.
      4.   It may be impractical under certain circumstances (adjacent properties not consistent with required improvements, IDOT or CCHD restrictions, etc.) to install the items detailed above at the time the development is constructed. As an alternative, the village may accept a covenant, signed and recorded, stating that the property owner will fund or install the improvements at such a time as they are installed by the village, IDOT, or CCHD.
   C.   Curb and gutter around the perimeter of all parking lots and driveways being improved.
   D.   Public utilities (water and sanitary) must be extended to and across the site when all of the following apply:
      1.   The subject property is not currently serviced by village of Mount Prospect water or sanitary.
      2.   Village of Mount Prospect utilities exist within two hundred feet (200') of the site.
      3.   The proposed improvements include modifications to one or both of the existing water and sanitary services.
      4.   All existing buildings presently within the village that are being served by a private well as of May 21, 1985, are exempt from subsection D of this section until such time that their well becomes inoperable at which time they will be required to connect onto the village water main.
      5.   All existing buildings presently within the village that are being served by a private septic tank are exempt from subsection D of this section until such time that their septic tank becomes inoperable at which time they will be required to connect onto the village sanitary sewer system.
   E.   Parkway trees in accordance with section 16.902 of this code. Exempt from this requirement shall be work consisting solely of the installation of one or more utility services 1 .
   F.   All construction shall comply with the construction specifications contained in chapter 16 of this code, and the tree protection standards contained in chapter 9 of this code. (Ord. 5253, 5-21-2002)



1. See subsection 15.501E of this article.