(a) The Mount Gilead Recreation Center is located at 223 North Cherry Street. It includes the following addresses and parcels: swimming pool - 223 North Cherry Street (parcel G20-508-C0-018-00), Baseball field A (parcel G20-508-C0-018-00), Baseball field B (straddles two parcels G20-508-C0-018-00 and G20-508-C018-01), Basketball courts (parcel G20-508-C0-018-00, Tennis and pickleball courts which face Park Avenue (straddles two parcel G20-50-C0-018-00 and G20-508-C0-018-01).
(b) The Cherry Street playground is located at 141 North Cherry Street.
(c) The Harry Riggs, DVM, Memorial Dog Park is located at 160 West Cedar Street and straddles four parcels, two owned by the Village and two owned by the school.
(d) The Mt. Gilead West ballfield is located on the west side of the Village, adjacent to the Village of Edison (parcel G20-023-A0-006-00).
(e) The Mt. Gilead Soccer Fields are located at Rt 42 St (parcel G20-535-00-471-01).
(Ord. 1950. Passed 3-4-24.)
(a) The park and recreation facilities will be under the jurisdiction of the Mayor of the Village of Mount Gilead or his or her designee. The Village Council will have the ultimate responsibility to amend any established rules.
(b) The speed limit in all parks and recreation facilities shall be a maximum of ten miles per hour for all driveways.
(c) No alcoholic beverages will be allowed in the parks and recreational facilities, nor shall it be consumed there. Recreational and/or illegal drugs will not be allowed.
(d) There will be no digging, excavating, or removing of sod in the parks and recreational facilities, unless deemed necessary by the Mayor or his or her designee. No metal detection will be permitted in the parks.
(e) There shall be no possession or release of fireworks or other explosives in the parks and recreational facilities.
(f) There will be no smoking, vaping, or use of other tobacco products at any of the recreational facilities.
(g) There will be no loitering near the restroom facilities.
(h) All dogs shall be on a leash at all times, with the exception of the Riggs Memorial Dog Park.
(i) There will be no hunting, fishing, or trapping; or causing harm or injury to any animal in the park and recreational facilities.
(j) There will be no ignition or maintenance of fire in the parks in accordance with the fire laws.
(k) There will be no parking for motor vehicles except in designated areas. There will be no overnight parking for motor vehicles in the parks and recreational facilities.
(l) No one is allowed to be in the parks and recreational facilities between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 am unless attending a sanctioned school or village event.
(m) No one shall offer for sale any article, privilege or service in the parks and recreational facilities without the consent of the Mayor or his or her designee.
(n) The Village of Mt. Gilead will post all signs, or with the approval of the Mayor or his or her designee.
(Ord. 1950. Passed 3-4-24.)