1149.01 Purposes of Industrial Districts.
1149.02 Permitted and conditional uses.
1149.03 Lot area and width.
1149.04 Minimum yard setbacks.
1149.05 Maximum building bulk requirements.
1149.06 Landscaping or screening.
Division of municipal corporations into zones - see Ohio R.C. 713.06
Restriction in location of buildings and structures - see Ohio R.C. 713.07
Restrictions on height of buildings and structures - see Ohio R.C. 713.08
Restrictions on bulk and location of buildings and structures, percentage of lot occupancy and setback building lines - see Ohio R.C. 713.09
Basis of districting or zoning; classification of buildings and structures - see Ohio R.C. 713.10
Nonconforming uses - see P. & Z. Ch. 1153
Off-street parking and loading - see P. & Z. Ch. 1159
(a) “M-1" Restricted Industrial. For areas of light industry with restricted manufacturing operations, research facilities and offices of a restricted nature which will have little or no detrimental effects on neighboring land uses.
(b) “M-2" General Industrial. For areas which, because of their access to transportation and community services, and relative isolation from other land uses, provide good sites for most types of general industry.
(Ord. 1054. Passed 12-2-85; Ord. 1584. Passed 9-17-07.)
The following land use matrix indicates permitted (P) and conditional (C) land uses which may be considered for development in the M-1 and M-2 Districts as indicated in the zoning district columns on the right side of the matrix. Conditional uses are subject to review by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Land Use | Zoning Districts | |
M-1 | M-2 |
Land Use | Zoning Districts | |
M-1 | M-2 | |
(a) Agricultural Uses | ||
(1) Agriculture | C | |
(2) Livestock auctions and sales | C | |
(b) Public and Semi-Public Uses | ||
(1) Essential services, including utility substations and pump houses, but not including buildings | P | P |
(2) Public service facilities and other public utility offices and buildings | P | P |
(c) Commercial Uses | ||
(1) Funeral homes or mortuaries | ||
(2) Outdoor advertising, as defined and further regulated by Chapter 1325 | C | C |
(3) Restaurants and taverns | C | C |
(d) Industrial Uses | ||
(1) Food processing | C | |
(2) Grain elevators and feed mills | P | |
(3) Manufacturing: general | P | |
(4) Manufacturing: restricted (such as drugs, sporting goods, processing and assembly of glass products, small household appliances, electronic products and parts for production of finished equipment, research and testing laboratories, printing and engraving plants, bakeries, or dairies) | P | |
(5) Offices and laboratories | P | |
(6) Printing and publishing | P | |
(7) Research and testing facilities | P | |
(8) Storage and sales of junk | P | |
(9) Transport and trucking terminals and facilities | P | |
(10) Warehousing facilities | P | |
(11) Wholesale businesses | P | |
(e) Accessory Uses | ||
(1) Accessory uses clearly incidental and customary within the district | P | P |
(Ord. 1054. Passed 12-2-85 ; Ord. 1584. Passed 9-17-07.)
Each industrial use shall be located on a lot having a minimum area and a lot width not less than the following requirements:
Zoning District | Development Standards | |
Minimum Lot Area | Minimum Width At Building Line | |
M-1 | 1 acre | 200 feet |
M-2 | 1 acre | 200 feet |
(Ord. 1054. Passed 12-2-85; Ord. 1584. Passed 9-17-07.)
All structures to be constructed, altered or moved in an Industrial District shall provide yards of the following minimum depths:
Zoning District | Minimum Yard Setbacks | ||
Front Yard | Side Yard (Each Side) | Rear Yard | |
M-1 | 50 feet | 30 feet | 40 feet |
M-2 | 50 feet | 30 feet | 40 feet |
(Ord. 1054. Passed 12-2-85; Ord. 1584. Passed 9-17-07.)
Newly established manufacturing uses adjacent to a residential district shall provide, on the adjacent property line, a dense hedge, tree row or other suitable landscape device adequate to visually screen the manufacturing area from the residential area.
(Ord. 1054. Passed 12-2-85; Ord. 1584. Passed 9-17-07.)