1115.01 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this chapter is to specify the steps that a subdivider shall follow to subdivide land in the jurisdictional boundaries of the Village as set forth in Section 1111.03.
(Ord. 1222. Passed 12-16-91.)
   (a)    Plat approval of a minor subdivision is not required if the proposed subdivision of a parcel of land meets all of the following conditions:
      (1)   The proposed subdivision is located along an existing publicly dedicated street or road and does not involve the opening, widening or extension of any street or road.
      (2)   The proposed subdivision involves not more than five lots after the original tract has been completely subdivided. "Completely subdivided,"as used in this section, means a tract which is divided into as many lots as the subdivider intends for the tract.
      (3)   The proposed subdivision is not contrary to applicable provisions of
the Zoning Code, these Regulations or other Village laws.
      (4)   The further division of an original tract which has been previously divided into five lots requires the replatting of the original tract.
   Sections 1117.01 to 1117.03 are to be complied with even though plat approval is not required when a minor subdivision meets the requirements of paragraphs (a)(1) to (4) hereof.
   (b)    Any person proposing to create a subdivision which meets all of the conditions set forth in subsection (a) hereof shall submit the following information to the Tax Map Department of the Morrow County, Ohio, Engineer's Office for approval.
      (1)    The conveyance documents, all copies thereof, together with two copies of a survey drawing and a legal description of the parcel or parcels involved, prepared by a registered surveyor. The survey shall indicate the following:
         A.   The location of the proposed subdivision. Such description shall include the tract, boundaries, the township, the section number, a north arrow and a scale (one inch equals 100 feet).
         B.   The location of all existing streets on or abutting the parcel to be subdivided.
         C.   Lot lines with width and depth dimensions, in feet.
         D.   The location and dimensions of all portions of the original tract not subdivided into lots.
         E.   The recording date, the name of recorded owners of the parcel to be subdivided and the certification and seal of the registered surveyor, which shall indicate that the survey made by him or her balances and closes and that all dimensions and geodetic details are accurate and correct.
      (2)    An affidavit of compliance provided by the approving authority.
   (c)    After the Tax Map Department of the Morrow County, Ohio, Engineer's Office is satisfied that such proposed subdivision is not contrary to the provisions of subsection (a) hereof and any other current regulations of the Engineer's Office, the same shall be approved. All pertinent information must be attached before approval will be considered. All surveys shall adhere to the "Minimum -Standards for Boundary Survey in the State of Ohio." In the event the approving authority is not satisfied that the proposed subdivision complies with these Regulations, then the person proposing the same shall submit the above information to the Chairperson of the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall, within thirty days after submission of the information required in subsections (a) and (b) hereof, review such information. If the proposed subdivision is in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations as are specifically applicable, the Commission shall approve the same as a minor subdivision and, upon presentation of an instrument of conveyance for the parcel or parcels, shall stamp thereon, "Approved by the Village of Mount Gilead Planning Commission." Such document shall be signed by the Planning Commission'sClerk, Secretary or other designated official. In its consideration of the proposed subdivision, the Planning Commission may require such other information as it deemsnecessary for its determination under this section.
(Ord. 1222. Passed 12-16-91.)
   (a)    Preapplication Conference. The subdivider may wish to consult with the Planning Commission, or the Village Engineer, to avail himself or herself of its advice and assistance in interpreting the purpose and effect of these Regulations and the requirements and standards contained herein.
   (b)    Subdivision Review and Approval Generally. Major subdivisions shall be reviewed and approved in two stages:
      (1)   The preliminary plan stage.
      (2)   The final plat stage.
   However, in those instances where a development has been approved in accordance with the Zoning Code provisions governing open space and planned unit development, then only final plat stage requirements, as set forth in subsection (d) hereof, shall apply.
   (c)    Preliminary Plan Stage.
      (1)    Purpose. The preliminary plan stage requires the subdivider to provide all information deemed necessary to enable the Planning Commission to determine that the proposed layout is in conformity with these Regulations. This step also insures that the subdivider shall not be required to expend additional money without some indication that his or her final plat will be eventually approved.
      (2)    Required information: review by Planning Commission. The subdivider must submit an application for preliminary plan approval to the Planning Commission in accordance with the requirements set forth in paragraph (c)(3) hereof. The preliminary plan shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer, licensed land surveyor registered architect or other qualified person. The following information shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for review.
         A.   Two copies of the application for preliminary plan approval (see
the Appendices to these Regulations).
         B.   Seven copies of the preliminary plan prepared by a qualified registered civil engineer or surveyor, along with a reproducible tracing.
         C.   A receipt indicating payment of the preliminary plan filing fee as required in Section 1112.05(a).
      (3)    Preliminary plan contents. The preliminary plan shall be drawn at a scale of 100 feet equals one inch and on one or more sheets no larger than twenty-three by thirty-six inches in size. When drawn on several sheets, an index sheet showing the entire subdivision and match points on each sheet shall be provided. The preliminary plan shall contain the following information (see also the Appendices to these Regulations):
         A.   The name of the proposed subdivision, which shall not duplicate the name of another subdivision in Morrow County.
         B.   The location of the proposed subdivision by township, range, section, tract or other surveys.
         C.   Names, addresses and telephone numbers of the property owners, developers and engineers or surveyors who prepared the preliminary plan.
         D.   The scale of the plan, a north arrow and the date of the survey.
         E.   The boundary lines of the proposed subdivision, showing bearings, dimensions and acreage.
         F.   The location, right of way and pavement widths of all existing streets on and adjacent to the subdivision.
         G.   The existing topography within the boundaries of the subdivision at an interval of two-foot contours.
         H.   The location and extent of all significant physical features of the site, including watercourses, lakes (natural or manmade), marshes, tree coverage and other significant natural features.
         I.   The location of all existing sewers, water lines, power transmission lines, pipelines and other utilities within and adjacent to the tract.
         J.   The location, width and purpose of all other easements or rights of way.
         K.   The present zoning classification of the tract and adjacent parcels and proposed zoning changes, if any.
         L.   Required building setback lines, with dimensions.
         M.   The proposed arrangement of all lots, lot numbers and approximate dimensions of each lot.
         N.   The location and size of all parcels to be reserved or dedicated for public use.
         O.    A development summary, which shall indicate the total acreage of the subdivision, the number of lots, the average lot size and the number of acres in streets, public sites and other public uses.
         P.   A vicinity map, on or accompanying the plan, indicating the relationship of the proposed subdivision to existing subdivisions, existing and proposed thoroughfares and the proposed connections between existing and proposed streets and roads.
      (4)   Submission of preliminary plans. Upon determination by the Planning Commission that the preliminary plan has been properly submitted in accordance with the procedures and requirements of paragraph (c)(2) hereof, the Planning Commission shall accept the preliminary plan as being officially submitted, and it shall be so dated.
      (5)   Transmission of preliminary plans. The Chairperson of the Planning Commission shall transmit additional copies of the preliminary plan to the Village Engineer and utility companies as he or she deems necessary for their review and comment.
      (6)   Effects of preliminary plan approval.
         A.   Approval of a preliminary plan by the Planning Commission is not an acceptance of the subdivision plan for record, but only an expression of approval of a general plan as a guide for the preparation of a final subdivision plat for approval and recording upon fulfillment of all requirements of these Regulations.
         B.   Approval shall be effective for a maximum period of twelve months, unless, upon application by the subdivider, the PlanningCommission grants an extension. If a final subdivision plat has not been submitted for approval within the time period, another preliminary plan must be submitted in accordance with these Regulations.
   (d)    Final Subdivision Plat Stage.
      (1)    Preparation and submission of final plat.The subdivider, after receiving approval of the preliminary plan for the proposed subdivision, shall submit a final plat of the proposed subdivision and drawings andspecifications of all improvements required therein. The final plat shall have incorporated all of the changes required by the Planning Commission in its review of the preliminary plan. Otherwise, it shall conform to the preliminary plan. The final plat may be submitted for approval in sections, provided that a preliminary plan has been approved for the entire subdivision. The final plat shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor, and supplementary improvement plans and specifications shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer.
      (2)    Required information: Planning Commission approval.The following information shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for final subdivision plat approval.
         A.   Two copies of the application for final plat approval.
         B.   Six copies of the final subdivision plat and a reproducible tracing.
         C.   Six copies of final plat improvement drawings.
         D.   One copy of protective covenants, if proposed.
         E.   One copy of performance guaranties approved by the special counsel and reviewed by the Village Engineer.
         F.   A receipt indicating payment of plat filing fees (see Section 1112.05).
         G.   Plan checking and field inspection fees (see Section 1112.05).
      (3)    Contents of final plat drawings.The final subdivision plat shall be drawn in ink on tracing cloth or mylar on sheets and shall be held to a minimum of eighteen by twenty-four inches and a maximum of twenty-four by thirty-six inches, outside dimensions, and shall be drawn at a minimum scale of 100 feet equals one inch. When necessary, the plat may be on several sheets accompanied by an index sheet showing the entire subdivision. When on several sheets, the plat match points shall be shown. The final subdivision plat shall show the following (see also the Appendices to these Regulations):
         A.   Identification, which shall include:
            1.   The proposed name of the subdivision, the township, the tract and the original lot or section number.
            2.   A location map at one inch equals 2000 feet (U.S.G.S.) scale with north arrow.
            3.   The name and address of the subdivider, and of the registered engineer and/or surveyor who prepared the plat,with appropriate registration numbers and seals.
         B.    All dimensions, angles and bearings referred to control points, nearest established street lines, section lines or other establishedpoints.
         C.    Lines and boundaries, which shall include centerlines and right-of-way lines of streets, easements and other rights-of-way; corporation lines; property lines of all lots and parcels with distances indicated; radii, arcs or chords and tangents of all curves (to the nearest one hundredth of a foot); and bearings or deflection angles (to the nearest second).
         D.    Street names of each street within the proposed subdivision and those adjoining the subdivision, and rights of way widths accurately shown with dimensions.
         E.    Building setback lines accurately shown with dimensions.
         F.    Lot identification, with lots numbered in consecutive order. When the subdivision is submitted in sections, lots shall be numbered consecutively as each section is submitted, whether ornot the sections are contiguous.
         G.    Total site data, which shall include acreage, number of lots and acres in parks and other public uses.
         H.    Land for public use with boundaries shown and the use of all parcels which are to be dedicated or reserved for public use or easements identified.
         I.   The location and description of monuments found, set or to be set.
         J.    The names of recorded owners of adjoining unplatted land and reference to subdivision plats of adjoining platted lands by name,volume and page of the County Recorder's plat records.
         K.    The certification and seal of a licensed surveyor, indicating that the plat represents a survey made by him or her with balances and closes within an error of one foot to 25,000 feet, that the monuments shown thereon exist or shall be set as shown and that all dimensions and geodetic details are correct.
         L.    Notarized certification by the owner or owners of the subdivision, dedication of the streets and other public areas therein and a statement that there are no unpaid taxes or special assessments against the land contained in the plat.
         M.    Notation for:
            1.   Certification of special counsel that performance guarantees, if required, for the construction of the required improvements have been provided.
            2.   Acceptance of the dedication of streets, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water lines and rights of way by the local governing body for its ownership and future maintenance.
            3.   Proper notations for transfer and recording by the Morrow County Auditor and the County Recorder.
            4.   Approval of the plat by the Chairperson of the Planning Commission and the Village Engineer.
            5.   Acceptance of streets and other public areas by the Village.
         N.    A copy of any protective covenants proposed for the subdivision.
      (4)    Improvement. Plan preparation and specifications.
         A.   Drawings showing cross sections, profiles, elevations, construction details and specifications for all required improvements shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer. The improvementplans shall be prepared in accordance with the design standards and required improvements set forth in these Regulations.
         B.   All drawings shall be on tracing vellum or mylar sheets and shall be held to a minimum of twenty-two by thirty-six inches and a maximum of twenty-four by thirty-six inches, and at a minimum horizontal scale of fifty feet equals one inch and a vertical scale of ten feet equals one inch.
         C.   If, due to unforeseen circumstances, it becomes necessary to modify improvements as approved, the subdivider shall inform the Village Engineer, in writing, of the conditions requiring the modifications and receive written approval for such modifications.
         D.   Upon completion of improvements, and before the bond is released, the subdivider shall cause the improvement drawings to be revised, showing any and all changes made during the course of the construction. Further, the subdivider shall furnish the Village with one set of as-built, reproducible tracings and twosets of as-built prints.
      (5)    Submission of subdivision plat.The Chairperson of the Planning Commission shall present to the Planning Commission the subdivision plat documents which meet the requirements of paragraph (d)(3) hereof at the Planning Commission's next regular meeting after he or she determines that all the required documents have been submitted. Upon determination by the Planning Commission that the subdivision plat is proper, the Planning Commission shall accept the subdivision plat as being officially submitted and shall certify thereon the date.
      (6)    Action by the Planning Commission.
         A.   The Planning Commission shall take action on a final subdivision plat within thirty days after submission for approval.
         B.   If the same cannot be done within the thirty-day period, the Commission may obtain from the applicant an agreement for additional time.
         C.   If the applicant will not agree to the time extension, or if the Planning Commission rejects the plat or needs more information, then the Planning Commission shall deny the application within the thirty-day period, stating the inadequacies of the plat and advising that the applicant can refile at a later date.
      (7)    Approval of finalplats.Approval of the subdivision plat may be given one of the two following ways:
         A.   Before construction of improvements. The Planning Commission may give final approval before all required improvements are installed, provided that a construction agreement and performance bond or cash bond acceptable to the special counseland the Village Engineer are provided for the purpose of assuring installation of such improvements. The amount of suchperformance guarantees shall be sufficient to cover the cost of all improvements based on approved detailed engineering plans and an estimate made and signed by a professional engineer andreviewed and approved by the Village Engineer. Upon receipt of the Village Engineer's notification and determination that all the requirements of these Regulations have been met, the Planning Commission shall give final approval and shall indicatesuch approval and date on the tracing of the final subdivision plat.
         B.   After construction of improvements. After the subdivider has obtained conditional approval, as indicated in this section, and has installed all required improvements to the satisfaction of the Village Engineer, the Village Engineer shall certify that the improvements have been satisfactorily installed in compliance with the approved plans and the construction agreement. Upon receipt of the Village Engineer's notification and determination that all the requirements of these Regulations have been met, the Planning Commission shall give final approval, and shall indicate such approval and the date on the tracing of the final subdivision plat.
         C.   The plat shall be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Morrow County, Ohio, no later than one year after approval, unless an extension agreement has been reached between the Planning Commission and the subdivider.
(Ord. 1222. Passed 12-16-91.)