Home Sales
735.01   Home sale defined.
735.02   Prohibitions.
735.03   Frequency and duration.
735.04   Signs.
735.05   Permit required.
735.06   Exceptions to chapter.
735.07   Enforcement by Police Department.
735.99   Penalty.
   Soliciting prohibited on highways - see TRAF. 371.06
   Peddlers - see BUS. REG. Ch. 721
   Home businesses - see BUS. REG. Ch. 733
   As used in this chapter, "home sale" means a sale of personal property to the general public conducted in or upon any property within the Village, and includes, without limitation, garage sales, patio sales, yard sales, porch sales and driveway sales of five or more articles of tangible personal property.
(Ord. 1019. Passed 1-7-85.)
   No person shall sell or offer for sale at a home sale any merchandise that has been purchased, consigned or otherwise acquired for purposes of resale. The offering of new merchandise for sale shall be prima-facie evidence that such merchandise was acquired for purposes of resale. No person shall sell or offer at such sale any personal property, except such property that has been owned and maintained by such person or by members of his or her family living on or in connection with the premises at which such sale is held. If other persons are to be involved in the sale, the permit required by Section 735.05 is required for each such person.
(Ord. 1019. Passed 1-7-85.)
   Three home sales may be conducted on any one parcel of real estate in a calendar year. Such a sale shall be limited to not more than three consecutive days, and such sale shall commence not earlier than 8:00 a.m. and continue not later than sundown.
(Ord. 1019. Passed 1-7-85.)
735.04 SIGNS.
   Only one sign advertising the home sale may be displayed off the premises on which the sale is held. Such sign can only be posted on private property with the consent of the owner. Not more than two signs may be displayed on the premises on which the sale is held.
   The display of all signs shall be limited to the dates on which the sale is held and to a period of time of one week before the sale. Such signs shall not be larger than four square feet in area and shall not be illuminated. The per-son approved to hold the home sale is responsible for removing such signs.
(Ord. 1019. Passed 1-7-85.)