Within any I-2 General Industrial District, no structure or land shall be used for the following uses except by conditional use permit.
(A) Explosives. Activities involving the storage or manufacturing of material or products which decompose by detonation.
(B) Acid manufacturing.
(C) Research laboratories, including potential hazards of fire, explosion.
(D) Public utility structures.
(E) Airports.
(F) Automobile reduction yard.
(G) Inflammable fluid storage.
(H) Brewing or distilling liquors.
(I) Enameling, lacquering or jopanning.
(J) Flour or grain mill.
(K) Boiler shops, machine shops and similar operations where hammers or presses of twenty (20) tons rated capacity are used or employment is over twenty-five (25) persons.
(L) Junk yards.
(M) Animal rendering plants.
(N) Live animal sales.
(O) Refuse dumps.
(P) Slaughter houses and packing plants.
(Q) Outdoor furnaces and boilers, provided the following conditions are met:
(1) The applicant shall submit a site plan, drawn to scale, showing the location of the proposed outdoor furnace or boiler in relation to existing structures and property lines as well as proposed screening or enclosure.
(2) Outdoor furnaces and boilers shall only be allowed on lots five (5) acres in size or greater. If the lot is divided in the future, so as to be less than five (5) acres, the outdoor furnace shall be removed.
(3) Outdoor furnaces and boilers shall be set back a minimum of fifty (50) feet from all property lines when abutting a residential district. When the property does not abut a residential district, the furnace shall comply with minimum setback requirements of the zoning district it is within.
(4) No burning materials shall be stored within five (5) feet of the principal structure and materials shall be stored in an orderly fashion.
(5) The outdoor furnace or boiler must be enclosed in a structure or screened with fencing and/or other materials as approved by the City Council.
(6) When the outdoor furnace or boiler is enclosed in a structure, the structure shall generally match the exterior of the principal structure.
(7) When the outdoor furnace or boiler is enclosed in a structure, the structure shall not count against the allowable square footage for future accessory structures, as long as it strictly serves as an enclosure for the furnace or boiler and the structure does not exceed one hundred (100) square feet in size.
(8) If the outdoor furnace or boiler is to be replaced, it shall meet the city and/or state requirements in place at that time.
(9) The outdoor furnace or boiler shall be UL Listed, or certified per the State Building Code, and the applicant shall follow all manufacturer specifications.
(10) If the outdoor furnace or boiler is taken out of service for a period of one (1) year or more, the permit shall become null and void and the unit and enclosure shall be removed from the property.
(R) Any permitted or conditional use that is over fifty percent (50%) lot coverage. (See also § 150.186(D))
(S) Recycling Facility. Subject to the following minimum requirements:
(1) All operations shall be conducted within a building or an enclosed area.
(2) Facilities shall comply with all Pollution Control Agency (PCA) regulations.
(3) Facilities taking household hazardous waste materials must be licensed by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA).
(4) An MPCA approved recording system shall be maintained indicating the type and quantity of recyclables passing through the facility.
(5) A sign, subject to city approval, shall be posted on premises indicating the facility name, schedule of days and hours of operation and prices for use.
(6) The recycling facility shall be so situated, operated and maintained so as to limit interference with and impact on other activities and uses in the area.
(7) The premises, entrances and exits shall be maintained in a clean and orderly manner at all times.
(8) All incoming and outgoing traffic shall be controlled by the property owner in such a manner as to provide safe and orderly ingress and egress.
(9) All unloading of recyclables from contributing vehicles shall be conducted in such a manner as to eliminate odor and litter outside of the facility.
(T) Land reclamation. See § 150.015.
(U) Mining. See § 150.016.
(Ord. 395, passed 7-6-2010) Penalty, see § 150.999